Declined Admin Application by Zee (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020


Steam32 ID


Current playtime on relevant server(s)

35d 22:26:31h

Link to your Sourcebans record


Server you are applying for

US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone

GMT+3, I cover a timezone that's mostly neglected due to Admins being unavailable.

Do you have a working microphone?

Uh huh, Uh huh

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator

Administrated for Panda Community Servers, US 2Fort and US JB for a considerable amount of time.
Previous Application #1
Previous Application #2

What makes you a suitable candidate?

Some points I think make me a suitable candidate for Administrating the server

- Quite active on the server, As an admin and as a regular.

- I dont really have a history of favoring friends in my tenure previously as an admin

- Already familiar with the commands in general

- A positive relationship with most jb regulars

- Covering a well neglected time-frame in the team

- Clean Punishment record, No mutes nor bans(technically)*

* I was team-banned once around 2021

- 360 (6 hours)
- 720 (12 hours)
- 1,440 (1 day)
- 10,080 (1 week)
- 43 829 (1 month)
- 0 (Permanent)

- 120 (2 hours)
- 240 (4 hours)
- 480 (8 hours)
- 960 (16 hours)
- 0 (Permanent)


Before I end this Application I would like to address what I think might be concerns other Admins may have.

Extreme Laid-back Attitude or Passiveness as an Admin.
In my tenure as an admin I had some issues come up that has stopped me from really becoming a full, As far as I know I was an admin for year, and throughout that year I had a period of growth into the position that I feel helps me today if I join the team, I didn't always fill the shoes of an admin while playing, sometimes neglecting an issue or two while on in favor of making the space relaxed, An extreme laid back attitude that may have resulted in the slight encouragement of rule-breaking, I wouldn't personally say its an issue I had for the whole time but it reared its head from time to time while on the server, I would like to address some of these issues and how I plan to fix them going forward.

Not enforcing Rules at times.
There is a certain incident that's been told to me involving me not enforcing the rules to keep the game a fair one(namely in my previous application), Namely not telling a warden to wait for heavies to join the rest of reds while I was on the red team to prevent a disadvantage to them, It's been a while since this has happened and I have a feeling this one happened in my first few months as a trial because It tracks with me not really paying much attention to my surrounding to rule-breaking, Since then I've been making sure to keep an eye on everyone while playing, something I picked up even as an ex-admin, which helps in reporting on the forums or seeing if something is worth calling admin.

Inappropriate use of NSFW Objectors.
Well I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, There's literally a giant image of me holding a giant objector with NSFW content in it, There isn't really a defense here other than the fact I know its wrong, Other than me thinking its alright at the time since all the people in the server were friends and the server was basically empty save for said people, I can only say that I won't be doing that again and I learnt the lesson and would like you to trust me on that statement.

I've already touched upon this in the previous application but put simply, I aided and helped cover an incident where Bambi, A previous Full Admin and my Mentor at the time kicked Anon, An EU Trial Admin(Whom both seemed to dislike each other understandably), While It may seem like a small issue to make so big, It is still a break of trust that I understand would rub people the wrong way, While I covered it up and lied about knowing anything at the time, even making up some excuses to help make it seem like an accident, I still felt bad at the time about it, came forward and told Madact about what happened, Truthfully, While I deeply regret the fact I even engaged in this drama and helped fuel it, I think I know better now than to help fuel a fire thats wholly unnecessary to even engage in.

In the end I do feel like I learned from these bumps in my time in the community, Of course ill reserve the judgement to you in the end. I'd like to thank @ItsNotCalassic @Cowboy and @FloofiVinny for encouraging me to get back to Jailbreak :nekoheart::nekoheart::nekoheart:
Well, here we are Zee.

Glad to see you giving an application another shot.

First off, your timezone is a wanted quality amongst our team due to our current blindspot in the early US morning hours. Your prior experience, sessions and playtimes are also extremely valuable.

Let's not mince words however, you had a pretty rocky year as trial which was due to a combination of a sub-optimal mentor and a few stupid mistakes on your part. However most of that is from a year ago and if @Bananawastaken is any example, it means that anybody can grow and change from their past mistakes.

Just so you can give the staff team a better opportunity to see how you've changed and how you would moderate this time, I've prepared a few questions for you.

You personally mention that you had some issues being a little too laidback during your previous tenure as admin, could you elaborate/go further in detail how you would approach being an admin now if you were given another opportunity?

Let's say you see somebody else with an inappropriate objector on the server who is flaunting it openly, but nobody is outwardly complaining. How would you handle it?

Let's say your mentor puts you in a situation where he asks you not to tell other staff members or Madact about his behavior/actions. How would you handle this?

Let's say somebody uses your previous actions against you (Whatever they may be) in order to seek a reaction out of you, how would you respond in context of being a staff member?

As always, I'm leaving my vote as neutral until these questions are answered. Take your time and answer them at your earliest convenience.

Good luck on your application.
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Well, here we are Zee.

Glad to see you giving an application another shot.

First off, your timezone is a wanted quality amongst our team due to our current blindspot in the early US morning hours. Your prior experience, sessions and playtimes are also extremely valuable.

Let's not mince words however, you had a pretty rocky year as trial which was due to a combination of a sub-optimal mentor and a few stupid mistakes on your part. However most of that is from a year ago and if @Bananawastaken is any example, it means that anybody can grow and change from their past mistakes.

Just so you can give the staff team a better opportunity to see how you've changed and how you would moderate this time, I've prepared a few questions for you.

You personally mention that you had some issues being a little too laidback during your previous tenure as admin, could you elaborate/go further in detail how you would approach being an admin now if you were given another opportunity?

Let's say you see somebody else with an inappropriate objector on the server who is flaunting it openly, but nobody is outwardly complaining. How would you handle it?

Let's say your mentor puts you in a situation where he asks you not to tell other staff members or Madact about his behavior/actions. How would you handle this?

Let's say somebody uses your previous actions against you (Whatever they may be) in order to seek a reaction out of you, how would you respond in context of being a staff member?

As always, I'm leaving my vote as neutral until these questions are answered. Take your time and answer them at your earliest convenience.

Good luck on your application.

Hello Cowboy, Thanks for the questions! I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

You personally mention that you had some issues being a little too laidback during your previous tenure as admin, could you elaborate/go further in detail how you would approach being an admin now if you were given another opportunity?

Well a lot of the problems that reared their head for me as an admin at the time and the passiveness I employed stemmed alot from the fact that I usually wouldn't pay much attention to my surroundings at the time, A problem most pronounced while playing on Red(Ex. I was on red at the time of the Heavies incident), Coupled with a streak of competitiveness to get LR. It wasn't exactly a pretty recipe with my usual chill attitude towards the gamemode(Something I think is still essential to have to really make the space fun and not frustrating for all) I've really toned down on these quirks since then and I have a much pronounced presence nowadays, Something I feel is backed up with my frequent use of the Call command and my recent reports. I also try to help out newer players while on to understand the rules in general either in VC or Chat.

To put it simply if I was given a second chance as a trial I think I would be a fairer admin than before, coupled with what I think is an improvement in my "spatial awareness" I believe I can show a better hand than what I showed before.

Let's say you see somebody else with an inappropriate objector on the server who is flaunting it openly, but nobody is outwardly complaining. How would you handle it?

While no one is complaining about it, It's still by the rules highly inappropriate and disruptive to the environment of Jailbreak, I would ask them to change it and if they don't comply I'd have to punish them.

Someone might say its not that offensive or disruptive but the nature of the playerbase ensures we have to keep it clean, Just like there is a difference between a person micspamming slurs, loud music and someone inoffensively using their soundboard to lighten the round.

Let's say your mentor puts you in a situation where he asks you not to tell other staff members or Madact about his behavior/actions. How would you handle this?

Situations that arise in which a full admin would seek to hide a wrong doing they did instead of owning up and working to be better are really usually black/white, You did something wrong and I don't think I'll aid in covering up what I believe is a toxic or wrong move done by a staff member, It's understandable to want to keep your record squeaky clean, but no one is really perfect in that regard, Showing that you recognize your mistake and owning up to it is a great trait everyone should have, I've fallen into this trap of trying to please everyone and it doesn't really end well for you, I'll try to convince my Mentor to own up to it in a mature manner, but if he doesn't I think I should tell the other staff members/Madact about it.

Let's say somebody uses your previous actions against you (Whatever they may be) in order to seek a reaction out of you, how would you respond in context of being a staff member?

If things turn personal I'd ask my mentor or another admin to handle it, No use starting a personal fight that no one would win, It might lead to a discussion about abusing my power as an admin to silence criticism, Which I dont really plan on doing, Although if they're blatantly disrupting the round and doing nothing but crying foul, I think a disciplinary mute/gag is warranted.
Hey Zee, I am hesitant to giving you a +1. There is definitely low coverage to the time zone that you offer to cover, but Vanca seems to cover a very similar timeslot. Although we may have the ability to take in 2 more people, I'd rather keep it to 1 for now. I believe that your history is a large part of my decision to not want you on the team for now. You were a trial and not promoted for an extremely long period of time compared to most. Although your mentor was not the greatest, it still felt like during your trial period you were regressing regardless. Near the end I noticed a push and a rapid improvement, but based on your resignation, it looks like you burnt out. I'm not currently in favor of you being accepted. -1. I have some more personal concerns I will privately address.

You are on track, I just want to see more of you. You might say I'm being over cautious with you, I just am not confident in your abilities at the moment, and would like your return to have been over a longer period of time. A month should be enough.
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Hey Zee,

First off i want to thank you for taking the time to reply to all of my questions and appreciate your patience with us. There has been a lot of internal discussion regarding this application and i want to take some time to thank all of the Full admins for their opinions and thoughts regarding the situation. I believe that the evidence against you regarding the private incident towards the end of your previous admin run is unsubstantial and doesnt weigh in on my final decision.

I believe that you have had a lot of time in-between now and your past mistakes as trial (More than a year) and i think that you have taken responsibility for your actions and have made amends for what you did wrong. You have been reporting and making a positive presence on the server. I disagree with Ian regarding the lack of need of 2 additional admins and any exceptional administrator we can take that can help with our early morning blinds spot when it comes to calls is invaluable to the team, especially with your experience. If you are given another chance, I will be hoping that you will be taking this much more seriously than previously.

Everyone deserves a second chance and I believe you have made that clear with your improvement in semi's previous feedback and your willingness to approach this new opportunity with a different strategy.


Good luck Zee.
Hello Zee, similar to Vanca before I give my vote or any further feedback I just want to get an idea of how you would personally handle some situations.

In the spoiler below are three videos from some old reports, simply tell me how you would handle each situation.

Some things to think about are

  • When to take action?
  • Who to take action against?
  • What would be the appropriate action(s) to take?

In case it helps with your decisions assume that all players have had no prior offenses (one clip will have one obvious exception to this rule). Also keep in mind all of these clips were made prior to the recent AFK freeze change, other than that one rule, use the modern jailbreak ruleset when making decisions.

I am also aware you can look up the results of the old reports I stole these clips from, I do not care about their outcomes I only care about how you would personally handle these situations.
Hello Zee, similar to Vanca before I give my vote or any further feedback I just want to get an idea of how you would personally handle some situations.

In the spoiler below are three videos from some old reports, simply tell me how you would handle each situation.

Some things to think about are

  • When to take action?
  • Who to take action against?
  • What would be the appropriate action(s) to take?

In case it helps with your decisions assume that all players have had no prior offenses (one clip will have one obvious exception to this rule). Also keep in mind all of these clips were made prior to the recent AFK freeze change, other than that one rule, use the modern jailbreak ruleset when making decisions.

I am also aware you can look up the results of the old reports I stole these clips from, I do not care about their outcomes I only care about how you would personally handle these situations.

Heya Semi, Thanks for the question, Ill try to answer to the best of my ability!

Unreal, Who is on Blue team is picked for warden by the plugin, He does not seem to know the rules well, Isn't willing to be Warden due to inexperience and while initianially seems to be listening to advice seems to have misinterpeted what the players meant and slayed a second time.

This is easy since with the first warning not to slay as warden, He could've had a normal round if Police kept teaching him, Although it's better in this scenario to switch him to the Red team after the first slay and warning him that slaying as warden is not allowed, He has to be willing to be warden if he intends on playing on Blue, and that he should take the time to learn a bit on the gamemode by going on Red, If he insists on going to Blue and slaying once more, A guardban is warranted.

This one's a real doozy, We got a micspammer turned racist, A lil screamin' kid who goes on to mfk, a seemingly rule knowing guard who doesn't tell said kid its not really lgka.

This video seems to employ alot of cuts and ill treat each of them as a scenario of their own for easier digestion.

First Cut, King Over and Cadaver are seen micspamming at the start of the video. King Over with a soundboard and Cadaver screaming into the mic, which would only warrant a warning for both, In which if they continue it would warrant a mute.

Second Cut, King Over is seen chasing a red and proceeds to call them a Nword on mic, This one's pretty easy, No need to warn them and it would result in them receiving a mute.

Third Cut,
It's the start of the round and the Warden, Cadaver opens cells before 9:00 and gives an order after opening them to go to the yellow line, By the new ruleset this is a valid order, Yoda and King Over start to kill non rebelling reds claiming its an invalid order, Even if it was it would be freeday so this killing of reds isnt even warranted in the old ruleset, King Over would receive an accidental MFK guardban(since his last comment on the cut seems to indicate he thought the warden didnt imply they should be on the yellow line) while Yoda would receive a normal guardban since he only killed one red for no apparent reason yet recognized the killing of reds is not warranted.

The Warden aswell proceeds to kill reds in this cut, Which I assume is born out of confusion from the two other blues who seem to have told him its invalid and started to kill reds, I think he also needs time off blue and a guardban is warranted since he obviously doesnt know much on the rules.

Fourth Cut, King Over is warden and the round starts normally, He pardons a rebelling red which is not allowed, a simple explanation is fine in this instance which was provided by Yoda, Warden dies, its freeday, rebelling reds are killed, But Cadaver starts to kill all reds, I'd try to explain but if he doesnt listen in this instance i would apply an MFK ban on him.
someone also deadtalks at the last second, if I was on a warning would be given.

Hello guys its freekill lord and today its freekill day so we are going to freekill

It's pretty self explanatory, Serial Alter and MFKer. an Instant ban from the server, Sour Diesel is also seen in the kill feed seeminly freekilling 2 reds who haven't rebelled and teamkilling a blu. I'd respawn everyone and warn him.
Hi, I was initially skeptical about providing positive feedback due to your history, however based off your answers in this thread, observations in-game and discord, team discussions and the fact it's been a long while since your last run I believe you are deserving of another chance.

+1. GL
Hello, I think that giving you a +1 is a good decision, I know I was pretty harsh on you above, but I really wanted you to seek me out to talk about things, and make it easier to find you ingame, I wanted to study you more, but appear as if I was done with all that I had to say. The responses of the others are reassuring, and I think its fine to reverse my decision. Another thing about this is I don't like giving neutral decisions since it feels like I am not contributing much with them, and so I am steering away from them which is why this was executed in this way by me. Although the back of my head is still unsure I think that you have improved a lot since your first application, and will not be a hinderance, but rather be beneficial with your diverse benefits you provide. Just stay focused.
Hello, you definitely have done some questionable things in the past no doubt about it some of which no matter the circumstance I find weird and gross. However most of those things are nearing or are over a year old at this point and I believe that has been enough time to properly reflect on those actions and understand why they were unacceptable.

Your responses to the clips are pretty much on point with what I was looking for, I was impressed that you even bothered to think about the new(-ish) cell door rule in your response there. I don't think I've had any negative experiences with you on or off the server as of late. You've made quite a few calladmins and reports. Basically you appear to be doing everything right in regards to everything except the one thing you can't change, history.

Playing with you over the last few weeks and seeing your responses to this thread has re-instilled my confidence that you can handle the job again.

Hey Zee, I've played with you a few times and I haven't had much if any issues with you during our playtime, originally I was going to give you a neutral because I didn't have too much to go off of, but your responses are actually well thought out and I really liked what you said here, it seems very genuine. I would be interested in seeing you on board, so for that I'll give you a +1
With fairy being inactive that's all the required feedback we need so I'll be putting this under review.

Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. I'll most likely be giving you a couple of questions in private to avoid dragging this out any longer.
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