Declined PokeMario17's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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Dec 15, 2022
What's your username? Adam (PokeMario17

What is your SteamID?

What is your type of punishment? Team Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

Who has punished you? Crubf issued the ban, koe delivered the ban

Why were you punished? Unnecessary teamkilling. A blue was repeatedly swinging in the direction of reds as well as going in their melee range. They were also overtalking wardens and wouldn't stop when asked. When I became warden, I teamkilled them at the beginning of the round.

Why should we revoke your punishment? I've had plenty of time to look back on what I did. It wasn't my place to punish him for what he did when others were warden. At the time, I thought I was in the right by teamkilling him that round. After looking through the rules (and multiple admins informing me the reason of the ban), I can see clearly I was wrong.

Edit because it sent early: I'm trying my absolute best to be someone who can be trustworthy enough to be on blue. My prior guardbans have given me an ugly reputation, and unfortunately I can't prove that I can be trusted on blue again. After my second permanent guardban, I went a few months with no problems (besides a few accidental freekills) as a blue. I've also been going on forums lately and seeing what I need to learn if I can be on blue again. If I have to wait another 3 months, I understand. I'm only filling this appeal since it's been 3 months since the report.
So this is your third perma. The last time I un-perma'd you, you were "self-reporting" yourself slipping up within, like, a day and now you're back here again.
I'm going to give you another 3 months cooldown just to be on the safe end. You can try and re-appeal no sooner than August 7th. Give me some good sessions to work with in the meantime at your convenience.
Declined for now.
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