Mission Accomplished - ZeroPC's Resignation (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018

I can’t believe I’ve been on Panda for this long. It’s been almost 4 years since my admin application was first accepted. Alas however, as you can probably guess, this is where I make my way home. My mission is complete. There used to be a lot for me to do in Panda. But now, with me not very active on the servers, and with lots of things to work on, I think it’s better for me to just move on. In my time here, Panda has given me some of the best and worst memories in my life. It’s been fun and dramatic around every corner. Team Fortress 2 is a game that I will still continue to play and I might even pop by Panda servers once in a while to say hi to folks, but I have bigger things to work on. With me being 23 years old, and getting a fresh new job IRL, I just recently am able to continue my contribution to my future career goal of becoming a game designer and/or a writer for a content creator.

Before I return to base though, I want to thank some individuals who have made my time here the best experience I could get (forums would not actually let me tag everyone which SUCKS)

@Gold - Literally being one of the first people I EVER met in this community. I still remember your old name and us always picking up hop_jb back when JB wasn’t getting map updates lmao. Also wtf is going on with JB, who tf are all those new kids? Oh GOD how many of them are there? OH GO-

@Semicolon Backslash - Thank you for not killing me when I asked for your help with a map or two from time to time, I really do appreciate your help with those. lenny

@Addster - You can come back from church now bud...

@Sin. - Even though its been a while since we've talked, I've enjoyed the time we spent exchanging stories and making people laugh on Jailbreak. Thank you for everything.

why tf did you go from Brendon to bap wtf?

@Inspector Lag - Your help on the US Trade team was always appreciated, you always did a fantastic job. Your occasional trade advice has also been pretty helpful, and the few trades you and I did as well ;)

@Omega Ridley - My very first trial. You have always given your best when you were still around on Trade. And outside of Trade, you would let me vent about so much shit that would go on with me. Thank you.
^ Yes, they've both been inactive, but I wanted to mention them here anyway since they've had an impact on me

@thebishcrazy - My second trial. The gifts I’ve gotten from you are great, but I was always just happy to have you on to help out. Being one of the richest backpacks in the entire TF2 community, I was afraid you wouldn’t come on much, but you did. It was a pleasure to have you around and you always did a great job as an admin. Hope things are working out for you.

@Hera - My third and final trial. Things were rocky, a lot. But at the end of the day, we always made it work out. Drama here, drama there, but you and I always pulled through right? You were and still continue to be a lot of fun to be around and to talk to. HERO forever ;) ;)

@Hedgehog - You were always so kind to everyone on the team and I can tell you really enjoyed working with us and playing generic Team Fortress 2 with us as well. Such a kind soul. Thank you for your help and your time whenever you were free.

@Nightascythe - I miss you :( but I always appreciate you messaging and calling me. You definitely helped me out a lot when I needed it. I don’t know where I’d be in this community without you <3

@Kevin - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work here. While it was definitely frustrating in some cases at times, I still had fun here overall. Your community has given me some great memories that I will continue to hold on to and has also given me friendships that I cherish to this day. I’ll always remember Panda as a big part of my life. Also I give up, you’re never gonna send me that receipt for those muffins I bought you 3 years ago. It's literally the ONLY reason I have the donator tag LMAOOO

@Madact - fuk u gay rawr xd. I could not ask for a better partner. A better companion. A better mentor to be by my side for my entire time here at Panda. You introduced me to this community. You’re the reason I’m here. Our friendship started because of that Terror-Watt Antlers I wanted to buy off you, and when you turned back on our deal, our friendship only grew. I literally remember the day we talked about me applying for admin here, and look where we are now. For 4 years, we would talk about Panda shit together, we’d scream and laugh in Left 4 Dead, tea bag the sharks in Raft, and make fun of complaining about Protect the Drilldozer missions in DRG. Obviously we’ve done so SO much more together, but I only have so much writing space. You have made my entire experience here at Panda a memorable and enjoyable one. Yeah, there was drama. A lot from time to time, but thank you for not giving up on me. We always came through in the end and that’s what mattered to me. Thank you for everything. Continue to be an amazing member of this community and never let ANYONE discourage you. I do plan on continuing to spend time with you and hopefully even see you IRL one day.

Apologies to those who I pinged that are inactive, sorry ^^; you can just ignore this post if you want.

I know I didn't list EVERYONE I wanted to thank here, and some of the people I wanted to tag have been inactive so I'd rather not ping them lol, but to those who have befriended me, helped me, or have reached out in any way to ask for my assistance, thank you. You know who you are. I won't forget my time here at Panda, and I wish the absolute best for this community.

This is Zero to Maverick Hunter HQ. Mission accomplished. Returning to base-

wtf man bro wtf it's like bob but it's bap wtf you can still me brendon tho

Gooodbyeeee <3 take care and goodluck with everything!
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Thank you for always supporting me and believing in me through everything on and off trade. I love you Mr. Pc! 💗😁
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How I’ll miss being reminded to go to church every now and then. I’ll let you know how it went the next time I go. Also I’m still waiting to finish our Portal 2 co-op.

Much love, Zero! Thank you for everything and I wish the best for you on all of your future journeys! <3
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I wish you the best fellow Persona enjoyer

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Best of wishes ZeroPC. Though we barely interact since me leaving the US Trade scene they were still some of the most fun times I had. Stay safe and healthy out there and best of lucks on your future endeavors.

(Also cya in the next HG, I didn’t forgot).
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Old Jailbreak OG. Best of luck with ur new job.
Best of luck zero, shared many memories, thanks for everything!
Storytime was the best time! sucks to see you go, and best of luck
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You and Madact is the most beautiful people in the world and i am proud of being part of the L4D2 Guchi Gang <3 I love you. You made me proud
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