Declined WorklingToaster's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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Nov 1, 2023
What's your username? WorklingToaster

What is your SteamID? 76561199094783200

What is your type of punishment? Team Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

Who has punished you? koe

Why were you punished? freekilling

Why should we revoke your punishment? Koe banned me off an unsupported reason, there was no actual proof against me, it was purely decided over word. Also its been about 3 months since the team ban, and I feel as if 3 months is enough time for my team ban to be lifted.
I will handle this appeal as both koe and her former mentor Ian have resigned (and I was also briefly her new mentor for her last 2 days as trial).

koe, from my experience, was a trustworthy trial who did her best and was truthful about her teambans; me and the rest of the admin team never had any trust issues with her, so I will take her word that you did stickytrap on mayanjungle despite being warned not to. The teamban will stay; you have about 180 mins left of your 240 min teamban. It shouldn't take that long to work off if you are active.

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