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  • looks like the lolice caught your discord account
    Yeah it sucks, but that's how discord rules are I suppose.
    There was a user, who had an anti-nsfw-anything-that-appeared-younger-than-eighteen-years-old attitude, who stumbled upon one of my largest servers that had only a small NSFW section in the server. He began investigating for hidden servers and talked a lot about lolis. A moderator of one of my one TB loli servers offered him a spot to be able to receive and sort the loli goods I post to prepare for Monday and Friday
    loli nukes. The moment he was given the discord invitation was the moment he sent out a "gathering" of his followers to "not raid" my server. Ending up reporting everyone in that single server. My account was immediately disabled on February 27th and was deleted on March 14th. I believe all my Loli storage servers and my casual servers were all deleted. Or maybe some survived, maybe.
    Spring Break. A great time to spend with family, friends, and with work. Spring Break is especially great at reminding you that your allergies exist. Like when my dog decided to jump on me and Rob me of my Xyzal Pill.
    Are you looking for new ways for people to respond to your status? Just say "Warning Clickbait not approved by". Also Roar is big cool.
    If you're feeling down today just know that there will be someone somewhere that can cheer you up. Reach out and find them.
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    Reactions: ZeroPC
    Give me creditcard info and I will cheer you up
    Sometimes when life gives you lemons, but in reality you realize that life never gave you lemons because humans were the ones who bred them.
    humans are essentially life; we're living/existent
    Man, do y'all sometimes have the urge to eat one pound of the 951,751,000 pounds of cheese that Wisconsin makes annually in the USA?
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