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  1. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Snowglobe FIX

    Can confirm this version doesn't have issues.
  2. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Replace Hatsune Miku with MLG Sniper

    I was fine with this at first but then I remembered how damn loud MLG Sniper was. No.
  3. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Stripper config for arena_hydrothunder_b4

    Hello, this stripper adds some additional health packs to the map since the map lacks them (currently there's only one, small one) This makes it so that there's now 3 medium health packs. One of them replaces the small one, and the other ones replace the medium ammo packs in the tunnels in the...
  4. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2/VSH] Map removal suggestion - vsh_tower_of_peril_redux

    I think you can already tell what's wrong just by looking at the screenshot above. Really the main issue is the huge verticality this map has, which probably (most likely) can't be fixed with any updates. There's also some other issues, like the blue spawn which is completely underwater for...
  5. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Map update for vsh_island_outpost & vsh_prison

    Going to post an update for one of my other maps (vsh_prison) here to avoid making another map thread, hope this is fine. Would appreciate if an admin renamed the thread to include this map as well to avoid any confusion. Update is based on feedback from the server when it was being played...
  6. Kruphixx

    Completed [DR] A small map update for Deathrun

    Why does it matter if it's vsh_dr_ or just dr_? Replacing the maps with exact copies just with a slightly different prefix seems like a waste of time.
  7. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Map update for vsh_island_outpost & vsh_prison

    THIS IS FOR BOTH FF2 AND VSH. Changelog: Made the water an instant killzone for red team due to func_croc not working properly in certain situations (being able to survive with a dead ringer on VSH) Changed the teleport sound after hale falls into the water to a louder one Increased max...
  8. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Nerf the Volcano Fragment

    Thinking about it now, should a poll even be necessary here considering the buff was made without a forum suggestion first? ;) Just revert it back to how it was, I didn't see anyone complaining.
  9. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Nerf the Volcano Fragment

    Is reverting it back to how it was before the update an option?
  10. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH] bring back egyptyspot

    Not intented I guess, it was only removed from FF2 because the teleporters were causing lag/crashes.
  11. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Separate the VSH and FF2 map pools and changes

    I would really like to hear Kevin's explanation as to why he doesn't want this. In the end this would benefit both servers and there's technically no reason to not do this. If it's because it can get confusing with both servers having different maps, or potentially adding a map to the wrong...
  12. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    I don't know, ask Kevin that. Seems like separating the map pools is a big no-no currently. It was suggested in the past.
  13. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    When I suggested the update for 2fortdesk no one was really against any of the changes, including the pit changes. At the time thought it'd be a quality-of-life change. Besides, it's not like people can instantly go back to playing after falling off, they get stunned and hale has a chance to get...
  14. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    A bit late but in case people don't want a removal, another option is adding the version of 2fortdesk from the NecGaming FF2 X10 server. I got permission from their mapper to suggest the map for panda but at the time I figured it'd be better to make my own version. In a few ways it's similiar...
  15. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    Not a fan of the whole "nostalgia/classic" argument. Who cares about that if the map is unbalanced and just unfun to play on? I imagine the only people that have fun on this map are sweats.
  16. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    I think a lot of people already know what's wrong with this map, the map is so open that there's basically almost no cover for the hale. I don't think I've ever seen a hale win on this map when the server was above 15 players. I attempted to make some changes to the map but seems like they...
  17. Kruphixx

    TF2 Blog Team Fortress 2 Update Released

    What they could at least do is enable spectator mode to make up for this :pepe:
  18. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Map update for arena_warehouse_remake

    I just released an update for the map mainly with many technical/visual improvements but there's also several gameplay changes thrown in there. Changelog: Changed the medium health packs near spawn exits to small ones Removed one of the health & ammo packs...
  19. Kruphixx

    Completed [DR] Deathrun updates and potential maps

    We had dr_neohorrors, it was removed in favor of updated dr_horrors and because of some particle issues I'm pretty sure.
  20. Kruphixx

    Resign #02

    While I haven't really interacted with you much (except when I needed some help with mapping stuff a while ago) it was still cool to see all the work you did on panda. Your maps are also top-notch.