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  1. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2] Boss replacement for Major Crits - Count Heavinch

    Not a fan of these constant replacement/removal suggestions at all. All the bad things you mentioned about Major Crits in your post can be easily changed so the boss is better to play against.
  2. Kruphixx

    Declined ThatOtisGuy's Application

    Gonna try to keep it short. Never noticed any problems when playing while you were on the server, thought that was just because I was on at the same time but I haven't noticed any problems when I was on an alt either. You respect the rules and I never heard any complaints about you. There was...
  3. Kruphixx

    Completed [DR] Add Bhop Toggle to turn off the bhop and play normally like casual (3.0 suggestion)

    Nothing can be done without having the plugin that's on panda. I guess the only person that could add the toggle is Kevin himself.
  4. Kruphixx

    Completed [DR] Add Bhop Toggle to turn off the bhop and play normally like casual (3.0 suggestion)

    Don't see a reason not to add a /bhop toggle, a quality-of-life feature if you ask me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We have a lot of maps with sections that are simply not suitable for bhop and are simply better without the plugin. Not to mention the annoying bug where you can sometimes slide off stuff after...
  5. Kruphixx

    Completed [DR] Update dr_donald_trump

    Just gonna leave the stripper here.
  6. Kruphixx

    Happy birthday 🍰

    Happy birthday 🍰
  7. Kruphixx

    Accepted ZeyroxUA's Ban appeal

    Gonna quote what Madact said in one of your previous appeals: Just contact @Madact next time this happens to have your ban removed.
  8. Kruphixx

    Declined Admin Application for Panda Server

    Hello, rare to see an application for FF2 nowadays. While it's obvious that you have good intentions, your behavior on the server is questionable and it's quite clear that you don't really know the server's rules. I often see you either go AFK for multiple rounds or team with the boss/as boss...
  9. Kruphixx

    Declined [SERVERS] Fix/Change the map voting system.

    Really I think the main problem right now is that people just press 4 to get rid of the menu as fast as possible. Something I suggested some time ago (not sure if it was on forums on discord) was a system where players can only nominate maps but they can't vote for them when the voting starts...
  10. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Various bug fixes and three gameplay changes

    For the past week or so me, @Abject and @Heather have been working on fixing various bugs on VSH as well as testing many gameplay changes. Threads for bigger gameplay changes will come later though. Here is a small list of things we've fixed, as well as three "balance" changes which are...
  11. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Mantreads nerf suggestion

    I tried to make a video comparison but noticed that changing the attribute from 1.8 to anything else just completely breaks it for whatever reason (attribute no longer applies, basically default mantreads). Can't seem to fix it at the moment.
  12. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Mantreads nerf suggestion

    Can we get a new poll @Madact ? Looks like people are split between 50% and a complete removal (judging by the comments).
  13. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Snowglobe Update

    Dunno about those jump pads, I think the map is already good enough without them. But maybe someone can change my mind. I guess every other change is fine.
  14. Kruphixx

    VSH Balancing and Suggestions: The Prelude

    Completely forgot the charged airblast was a thing. Yes it does increase airblast strenght the longer you hold down M2. It could probably be added to the /haleclass screen. Yeah I'm not really sure either how all the other primaries could be buffed. I agree, some variety would be nice. I...
  15. Kruphixx

    VSH Balancing and Suggestions: The Prelude

    I'd like to talk about Pyro a bit. I legitmately feel like after the updates he became way too weak, not only almost all his flamethrowers (except backburner and dragon's fury) have decreased airblast force, hales now also have 30% airblast resistance, with the exception of HHH who has 50%...
  16. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Remove/Change Quickfix jump

    Okay this is a bit outdated now, with the help of @Zeprus we managed to make it so that only Quick-Fix has the attribute that allows medic to mirror blast jumps. Other mediguns won't have that. Also other mediguns will no longer be replaced by the custom default medigun, they will now have...
  17. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Remove/Change Quickfix jump

    Since we don't really have anyone to make a plugin, I guess the best option for now would be to revert the change since majority seems against it anyway. For Kevin: Remove the "144 ; 2.0" attribute to revert the medigun change.
  18. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Mantreads nerf suggestion

    The fov issue among some other things happens pretty much with any weapon that has replaced attributes, not just medigun. No idea if there's a workaround for that. Also, wrong thread? ;)
  19. Kruphixx

    Pending [VSH] Mantreads nerf suggestion

    I'd like to suggest a nerf to Mantreads, it's been talked about quite a lot in this thread. I think right now it's pretty absurd, the self-dmg force that the mantreads have is just too high and allows soldiers to easily escape. It's basically a better super jump for soldier with no cooldown...
  20. Kruphixx

    VSH Balancing and Suggestions: The Prelude

    Yeah I guess that's on me, I edited most of the maps with FF2 in mind where there's a variety of bosses and classes like Soldier aren't as broken, so more health & ammo are needed there.