Search results

  1. Kruphixx

    On Hold [VSH] Perhaps it's time for VSH2?

    I assume this is about hale potentially being able to use RTD. There's a cvar in the current RTD plugin that allows only a certain team to use RTD. That could be simply changed. The onlyreal downside would be blue team not being able to use RTD on the first round. sm_rtd2_team 0/1/2 Restrict...
  2. Kruphixx

    On Hold [VSH] Perhaps it's time for VSH2?

    I did notice a bit more stable perfomance on servers running the VSH2 plugin. Could have been placebo though? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And well, definitely not all bugs have been fixed. The MOTD glitch is still there and there's a bug with sniper's knockback modifier, which only works on the default sniper...
  3. Kruphixx

    On Hold [VSH] Perhaps it's time for VSH2?

    Original suggestion about VSH2: Most things about VSH2 are already explained in that thread but I'll explain some stuff again here in maybe a little more simple way. This update is mostly beneficial for developers rather than...
  4. Kruphixx

    Declined [FF2/VSH Crevice removal

    I'll just try to make a fix sometime this week maybe if I don't forget. I already attempted to fix this in the panda4 version but I guess that wasn't enough, hopefully I'll be able to fix it for real this time. I think this suggestion can be closed then?
  5. Kruphixx

    Declined [FF2/VSH Crevice removal

    Since this is an FF2-only issue maybe the map could only be removed from FF2?
  6. Kruphixx

    Happy birthday 🍰

    Happy birthday 🍰
  7. Kruphixx

    Happy birthday 🎂

    Happy birthday 🎂
  8. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Edit for vsh_citypeak

    I will keep nobuild on the glass roof then. However I would maybe still allow teleporters to be able to be built there, I don't see any real downsides to it.
  9. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Edit for vsh_citypeak

    Hi so apparently the map citypeak has some issues that I wasn't really aware of until now. I'd also like to propose some other small changes to it since currently the map is not very friendly for engineers. Poll will last for a week, I'll post the BSP file when it ends. I'm already working on...
  10. Kruphixx

    Stripper:Source does not work on FF2 and VSH

    Yeah it works on deathrun and every other gamemode it seems like, except VSH and FF2 as I said in the title :pepega:
  11. Kruphixx

    Stripper:Source does not work on FF2 and VSH

    The plugin stopped working several months ago, not sure when exactly but last time some strippers got added (Around November) I've let Kevin know that they basically don't work at all. So basically all the strippers that were made are useless now. I assume it has something to do with the latest...
  12. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Dirtmound map suggestion

    A bit late but which version is being suggested here exactly? Cause I see there are two, the new one and the "classic".
  13. Kruphixx


    Yes this has been an issue for a while now, I already made a fix for the map that is pending. I'm not sure why this happened in the first place considering all the custom textures appear to be packed into the map, after checking with GCFScape. We're just waiting for @Kevin to do his thing which...
  14. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] vsh_barnnight_rerework change

    I'd rather have the map removed honestly. Small, cramped and not to mention dark maps like barnnight are a big no-no in VSH in my opinion.
  15. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] two certain map removals

    I agree about sewers, honestly it's just way too big and open. The only reason the map got added in the first place is because I guess people thought it would be funny to have such a terrible map on the server. I mean, just look at the comments on the original map suggestion and you'll see what...
  16. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Dirtmound map suggestion

    I agree that the same maps getting picked constantly is annoying, but the sad reality is that adding new maps probably won't change anything. People will still be brainlessly voting for the same maps over and over. Not sure if this has something to do with people being afraid of change or just...
  17. Kruphixx

    Accepted Report against gangsta bean

    Who are you reporting? gangsta bean What server game mode is the report concerned with? Freak Fortress 2 #13 What is the accused persons's SteamID? STEAM_0:0:3142554 What is the reason of the report? Point farming Files you have as proof File(s) attached Any other proof you have If you sit...
  18. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH]Nerf Sniper's Dmg&knockback

    It works but the debug message is still there :pepega: Already told Uber about it though
  19. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH] Remove the delay on rages

    Looks like this has been changed already, any admin can mark this as completed. Delay is 0.1s now according to Uber.
  20. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH]Nerf Sniper's Dmg&knockback

    Knockback is getting nerfed already :pepega: We're just waiting for Kevin to do his thing I guess. As for the damage, maybe it could be nerfed to FF2 values? (125 - 375 damage)