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  1. Nergal Nergalton

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    A lot of you may know what inspired me to make this suggestion. While I understand what Trivia is for and the appeal of it, many times (and this isn't just the recent major situation regarding it) wardens will do stuff with it that ends up going against our rules in some way shape or form...
  2. Nergal Nergalton

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Re-add jb_maxsec_v2efix I guess this is worth a try. This is a map that used to be in our rotation, but was voted out and removed in (I believe) late 2021 or early 2022. I personally believe the map is a better version of Complex and similar to xmf, just with more minigames. It's...
  3. Nergal Nergalton

    Pending [JB] Remove Spy vs Spy (again)

    When this map was set to be re-added, I was optimistic this map would be improved enough for me to fully enjoy, but alas, it wasn't enough. This map may have to go down in Panda history as the one map that got added, removed, re-added, and re-removed, if this poll passes. Here are my complaints...
  4. Nergal Nergalton

    Completed JB_underjail 25 Sentries

    On top of returning, Underjail has a new version out. The one new thing I saw is 25 Sentries is back and this is what this suggestion is about. Regardless of what option passes in this poll, I absolutely believe this minigame needs to be heavily restricted at best. This minigame is almost...
  5. Nergal Nergalton

    Massive massive MASSIVE Jailbreak map archive

    A HUGE project that I'm not sure I'll ever really 100% complete (as in getting every version of every Jailbreak map out there in existence), but today I have uploaded every single version of every single Jailbreak map I've ever downloaded over the past decade into one giant 40GB+ MEGA folder for...
  6. Nergal Nergalton

    Declined [JB] Last day warday adjustment.

    Fairly recently, we adjusted the rules surrounding warday so that it can be done on the last round under certain circumstances. These are the new rules: However, the part I highlighted in red is something I feel would not hurt to tweak. The "no active last requests" part technically means if...
  7. Nergal Nergalton

    Which maps do you guys think best fit these statements?

    Jailbreak question time! Which maps do you guys think fit one of the two statements below: - Good minigames, bad layout - Good layout, bad minigames Me: - GOOD MINIGAMES, BAD LAYOUT: Aztec, Mayanjungle - GOOD LAYOUT, BAD MINIGAMES: WIP remake
  8. Nergal Nergalton

    Completed [JB] Forfeiting LR

    I was actually originally going to attach this to my previously posted rule suggestion about regiving LR but did not know how to word it properly. The other thing about LR that sprung into my mind that isn't mentioned in the rules is when a RED decides to willingly forfeit LR to another. It did...
  9. Nergal Nergalton

    Completed [JB] Rule regarding regiving LR

    This is NOT a stupid, poorly thought suggestion. This is not something that randomly out of nowhere came to my mind or related to an obscure rule/minigame nobody gives a shit about. This is also not like the stupid "Mapchange LR" suggestion I made in September that I agree was poorly though out...
  10. Nergal Nergalton

    Honest thoughts on Miami?

    Miami is a map that is very divisive among the JB playerbase, so I though I'd start a poll asking what you guys think of the map (THIS IS NOT A MAP REMOVAL SUGGESTION!). You can also explain what you think of the map in the comments.
  11. Nergal Nergalton

    [JB] Show off your Coloring Clash images

    I made this thread so you all can show off the beautiful, inspiring images you created in Coloring Crash on Colors. Here's mine: Creeper: Kirby: USA flag: Semicolon Backslash:
  12. Nergal Nergalton

    Jailbreak maps in 10 words or less

    I'm gonna try something completely different here. I'm gonna describe each JB map currently in our rotation in 10 words or less and it give it a rating out of 10. You guys can do the same, but you don't need to do it for all maps. You can do it on just the maps you most remember. 8Bit: It may...
  13. Nergal Nergalton

    Declined [JB] Let's talk about Bootcamp

    Bootcamp is a very divisive map that either people like or don't like, but I wanna see how many people want it to stay vs. wanting it to be removed. The main problems that either I have found or people have pointed out are the following: - It takes quite a bit of time to get from certain...
  14. Nergal Nergalton

    Declined Rule regarding this situation with custom LRs

    Despite what you may think, I'm not suggesting something to came to my mind again, despite being related to my recently declined suggestion. This is something that @scootyman brought to my attention. A couple days ago I made a widely-disapproved suggestion about doing custom LRs received on the...
  15. Nergal Nergalton

    Declined [JB] Last day warday

    Retracting my previous suggestion, as my mentor @Semicolon Backslash gave me a much better idea to eliminate the “wasted last round LR” problem. The last round of a map will be warday (a day that doesn’t end in LR), with the location being up to the warden to decide. However, as it is hard to...
  16. Nergal Nergalton

    Declined [JB Rule Tweak] Allow valid custom LRs from last round of a map to be done on the first regular round of the next map

    It’s common knowledge among most JB players that LRs don’t carry over to the first round of the next map if they are given on the last round of the previous map; with custom LRs, the red text will sometimes carry over to the first round freeday of the next map but disappear after that. Either...
  17. Nergal Nergalton

    Completed [JB] Remove the Snowday remake

    Ok, so... Yes, this is my first suggestion in almost three months. I made a vow to stop making SHITTY suggestions and give more thought into suggestions if I ever make them. With this suggestion, I've been going back and forth for a few days, almost a week, on whether or not to make this poll...
  18. Nergal Nergalton

    [JB] jb_hopjb_v12 Prop Hunt Guide

    After multiple suicides and snapshots, I managed to successfully make a list of all the props available to be as in Hopjb's Prop Hunt, and the number the prop corresponds to. You may use this as a reference guide:
  19. Nergal Nergalton

    Accepted Crazy Bastard (AKA mustafa ghebo) Report

    Who are you reporting? Crazy Bastard (now under the alias mustafa ghebo) What server game mode is the report concerned with? Jailbreak What is the accused persons's SteamID? STEAM_0:1:741304615 What is the reason of the report? MFK Files you have as proof: The attached video
  20. Nergal Nergalton

    Accepted Another admin app attempt

    Username Denzel Crocker Steam32 ID [this is NOT a profile link; you can find out how to get your steamID here: ] STEAM_0:0:92489102 Your age 22 Current playtime on relevant server(s) Just over 16 days worth of playtime...