Add Reverse in dropna (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Aug 23, 2024
can you look at my suggestion and let me know would it be implemented or not in pandas.dataframe.dropna as well as isnull , the suggestion is there must be a reverse paramter which will opposite the flow in dropna if i do reverse=True then instead of dropping null value it will drop non null values and remain null

if dropna(reverse=True) instead of dropping null it will drop non null value
it is simple to used and convienent
can you look at my suggestion and let me know would it be implemented or not in pandas.dataframe.dropna as well as isnull , the suggestion is there must be a reverse paramter which will opposite the flow in dropna if i do reverse=True then instead of dropping null value it will drop non null values and remain null

if dropna(reverse=True) instead of dropping null it will drop non null value
it is simple to used and convienent
i guess you’re referring to a different site.
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