Declined Appeal on permamute(?? maybe... maybe not??) (1 Viewer)

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Feb 12, 2022
Lil' Rex
2024-08-28 05:24:39
"Obscene Language" (admin abuse tho bruh)

I already know there's like a 95% chance this means nothing to anyone but I'll try ^-^
I don't know how to really go about this because usually it would be because of something I actually did, but this dude just has a personal vendetta against me because I "sound annoying" which I don't think warrants a permamute... Like sorry you have a personal afflicition to my voice but seriously grow up.
People in general were rlly going at me for being aggressive to Kenya when she was the one going at me first and then kenya starts crying and playing victim and tells me to "kys retard" but apparently Im the one in the wrong... No I don't feel remorse for the way I treat Kenya she's literally a far worse person!! :confused:
Im curious what Grambam actually has to say about why I was muted to begin with because it's probably just loaded BS anyways... I'll move on with my life either way if my appeal isn't accepted but yknow its always worth a shot right? :p


Kenya is just a loser of a person and thought it should be mentioned sorry if its "off-topic" :D

Can't wait to be rejected for being hypocritical or something lololol :x3:
delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread delete the thread :confused:
I just wanna say I did warn both you and Kenya to not get at each other's throats before I left this evening.

Since this is Grambam's comm it's his verdict however. However, I will genuinely say that it's a shock to me (and in my honest opinion you're lucky) that Gramban didn't outright permaban you because he told me you were making revolting and downright pedophilic comments such as "12 is a good age" and then admitting that it was a creepy comment.
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Hello Lil' Rex, I did not comm ban you for "being annoying" as you seem to have implied(?) I did it for something that is obviously so much worse. Nothing explains this better than your own chatlogs.

bandicam 2024-08-28 02-08-49-145.png

You asked what you assumed was a minor (ended up being so) if they are a "good age". Then you acted disappointed when you were told what age they were. People in chat were telling you how creepy that sounded that you asked that at all, and "yeah ik :3" was your response.

bandicam 2024-08-28 02-09-05-725.png

And you got muted shortly afterward for calling the warden's voice hot and cute, saying they were making you blush. You also called me names for gagging you, but I don't care about that part nearly as much.

Here are some other highlights from very recently as well.

bandicam 2024-08-28 02-09-26-935.png

bandicam 2024-08-28 02-10-08-515.png

Along with this being obviously overly sexual things to say to people in chat, you obviously aren't taking any responsibility for it. This is an immediate rejection, and I do not see you being appealed anytime in the near future. You really have to better yourself from making such sexual comments towards people, show some restraint, you blamed pretty much everyone but yourself for this.
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