Accepted Cleetus Teamban Appeal (2 Viewers)

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New Member
May 9, 2024
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Cleetus
Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:0:187234340
Date and Time of the Ban: dont recall like a month ago
Reason about the Ban: I freekilled, my past shows more (I was stupid and have grown up)
Admin that Banned you: Cowboy
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban:

I've racked a few hours on the server since then and im on good terms with other players and _black seems to like me, I'd message him he doesn't seem to worry about my behavior on the server recently. I understand if this gets denied because of my past behavior on the server, but im trying anyway because of the countless times I've played where Blu team is empty and nobody is volunteering, or warden has no idea what to do. I can and know how to play warden since I've read the rules during my ban. Just know that I am genuinely sorry for ruining the game for others and have no intentions of doing it again.
So your appeal got accept on May 9th and you where unbanned so it is not about that.

It is about LR Denial + leaving to avoid punishment done by @SirKrookodile on the 22nd May . It may have been another admin but for now I'll tag Sirkrookodile.

Reason I'm saying this is it isn't the teamban you think it is, so if you do remember you may want to rethink your reason why.
I applied the ban but it was a pending punishment. I believe it was actually @Cowboy my mentor who issued the pending punishment. As it matches up with the ban he applied. So it'll be up to him to handle this appeal regardless.
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So your appeal got accept on May 9th and you where unbanned so it is not about that.

It is about LR Denial + leaving to avoid punishment done by @SirKrookodile on the 22nd May . It may have been another admin but for now I'll tag Sirkrookodile.

Reason I'm saying this is it isn't the teamban you think it is, so if you do remember you may want to rethink your reason why.
it was that but i freekilled the last red
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Sorry for letting this appeal rest far longer than it should have.

It's been 3 months since your initial teamban and since i can see that you have racked up a good amount of sessions and have avoided trouble im willing to give you a chance here. Please noet that another teamban placed against you will also be perm and far harder to appeal.

Accepted. Go forth and sin no more.
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