Pending [JB] Increase map cooldown (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
I believe this was suggested before but for Deathrun. This one is for Jailbreak.

After a map is played, either fully or of it's RTV'd off, that map has a cooldown; it can't be nominated until (I believe) 3 maps have been played on. I am suggesting we increase that number.

Why? I believe it would increase the diversity in the maps we play. We have so many maps in our pool yet it seems everyone nominates and votes for the same overplayed maps (Spacejail, Mlcastle, Supermario, and ESPECIALLY Hopjb). Although it would probably be a rare occurance, with our current cooldown number at 3, it would be hypothetically possible to just cycle through the four maps I managed and not touch a single other map.

I've given a couple of options to choose from so vote away.
SpaceMan already suggested this , but it only got a small number of votes and it also doesnt mean I still dont agree with the change.

even when it comes to maps I enjoy like jailfort, sometimes its played 6-7 times a day and thats frankly INSANE.
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It might be the taco bell I had this morning talking but I think that's a swell idea. I'm all for trying less played maps like Albany, Alcatraz, Snowday, Volcano etc. Might help keep players skills honed in on the lesser played maps. It'll certainly help with the nomination system seeing as how one person can immediately bloat the voting options with the same maps we play over and over infinitum.
In banana we trust. Honestly couldn't care either way. I appreciate it being 3 because like. Should your sessions get to the point where you're going through more than 3 maps in a single session. At minimum it's like 1 and a half hours between the same map and that rarely occurs anyways. I don't feel like it's fair for somebody who just misses a map to be forced to wait over 2 hours to have an opportunity to play that map again. We shouldn't be catering to those with unhealthy session lengths imo.
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People like the popular maps for a reason, taking away something that the vast majority of players prefer is just silly.
"Underplayed" maps do get the love they deserve, the way the system works is flawed but fine for the most part.


Completely unnecessary change imo
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Hi, I wanted to verify if the claims that maps were getting overplayed excessively were true, so using the maunz bot in the jbcord which tracks what map the server is on every time it changes I made this chart logging maps over the past 3 days.


One minor detail is that mlcastle will have inflated numbers because it is the default map after a server restart/crash and there were a few of those over the past few days due to tf2 updates.

A map hitting 3 times played in a day means the server spends roughly 2.25/24 hours in a day on that map or a little over 9% of the day playing one map without accounting for map extensions or rtv's. Only one day had 2 maps hit a 3 with every other only having one map hit a 3 or 4. I checked the distance between maps of the maps that hit 3+ in one day and only mlcastle would've been affected by an increase to a 5 delay.

sometimes its played 6-7 times a day and thats frankly INSANE.

This is probably an exaggeration but it is simply not true and extremely unlikely unless you have a massive jailfort revolution happening where everyone mass rtv's the map back to jailfort which if that's the case two more maps isn't going to stop them.

At the end of the day people will play maps if they are good, if you want more variety make more good jb maps 👍.
Guys please make more jailbreak maps I can't make them all please make maps guys please I promise hammer isn't that bad please make maps guys please please please please please
This is probably an exaggeration but it is simply not true and extremely unlikely unless you have a massive jailfort revolution happening where everyone mass rtv's the map back to jailfort which if that's the case two more maps isn't going to stop them.
I could have sworn that this happened once or twice, and while it is technically possible it would need a lot of perfect case scenarios to occur

I understand now that I may have been a little reactionary to something that only happened like twice ever ty
People like the popular maps for a reason, taking away something that the vast majority of players prefer is just silly.
"Underplayed" maps do get the love they deserve, the way the system works is flawed but fine for the most part.

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Completely unnecessary change imo
Small data sample o_O
Show me the past month, the past year!
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