Declined [JB] jb_minecraft_dynf_v12c (2 Viewers)

Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
DISCLAIMER: Yes, this is a map designed for the Wonderland servers, but the map doesn't contain any references or shout-outs to that fact, to my knowledge. If this map were to hypothetically be added to our map rotation, many people (who didn't read this suggestion forum) would probably not even know it was made for Wonderland.
Our current Minecraft map in the Jailbreak pool has a mixed reputation among the community and isn't the most popular map, even if it is picked more than other maps.
This suggestion presents a new version of the Minecraft map that adds a lot of new minigames and content. The only major thing it removes outright are the villages, barn, and house at the edge of the map. I do think a playtest of this map would be a good idea and I have included a download link for the map file.

New additions to this version of Minecraft that Nightfall doesn't contain include:
- Steady Pace: Located at the edge of the map where the big house with the ammo secrets used to be.
- Mancannon: Located directly by Steady Pace. This one appears to be a strafing type minigame where you are launched out of a cannon and have to land.
- Speedrun: Located directly behind Obby.
- Typeracers: Located directly behind Bowling. Have no idea what purpose this one servers, as it contains a bunch of cells in an arena-like pit that can be opened and closed, but nothing else. I can see it however being good for Pokemon and a tournament-style Hunger Games.
- Jumprope: Located directly behind Box Game.
- Wipeout: Located directly above Minefield. Yes. You get to the minigame by climbing a set of stairs ascending around Box Game and cross a bridge on the roof. There is an instakill exploding thing up there but Semicolon Backslash has told me he could remove it with stripper.
- Stairway to Heaven: Located where Floor Maze is in Nightfall, replacing that minigame.
- Spleef Arena: Although Nightfall has a Spleef Arena, this version has its Spleef in the corner separating Diner and Fall Game, bridging them both. Nine Square is in Spleef Arena's location on Nightfall on this version, like on the older daytime versions of Minecraft.
- Bhop: Located behind the Pool across from Soccer.
- Pipe Game: Located inside a Nether portal in the area where the village was in Nightfall, now an area surrounded by trees and a campfire.

Here are some images to give you guys an idea of what the new additions look like:
tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-43-52-029.jpg
tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-45-40-044.jpg

tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-47-19-182.jpg
tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-49-22-116.jpg

tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-48-14-219.jpg
tf_win64 2024-09-08 01-49-08-456.jpg

I will mention that according to Semicolon Backslash, the edict count is almost that of Carnival's (around 1550-1600).

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I thought we could not add this due to it being for wonderland only?
I thought we could not add this due to it being for wonderland only?
The map isn't (currently) protected from being ran on other servers, there is nothing stopping us from running it except for the possible wish that the creator wants it locked to wonderland for whatever reason.

i’m refraining from voting till we playtest.
The map is largely the same as that v11 one we tried a few months back, games are still in awkward places, though it does appear to have some new secrets (see video)

I personally don't really care if we keep this or nightfall just please pick one there is no point in running both, the maps will basically play the same.
  • Informative
Reactions: Madact
Poll has been reset. It's either replace Nightfall or don't now.
Looks good on paper, worth giving it a "serious" playtest.
Also ask the creator beforehand, if he doesnt want us to use it, then we dont.
Map is basically the same but has significantly more options for both teams, nightfall is the most one dimensional map we have in rotation and is in desperate need of an upgrade for how popular it is.
I completely agree with banana here. The main issue I have with Minecraft Nightfall is the sheer lack of rebeller options. (It only having a few armory entrances and the RNG Small ammos dotted around the map.) Which makes it pretty boring to play as if you plan on rebelling.
This map adds a large amount of new rebeller areas. Which is what I think the map needs most. It allows for more consistent rebelling opportunities instead of banking on getting lucky with the rng secrets.
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I would love to have a new Minecraft version with minigames

But no offense, I think I might quit the game completely if I am walking around a map and die because a random red turned on a game from across the map

And before you ask, YES the mingiame can be activated by reds.

Calassic encouraged me to post this, but wipeout is one of the worst designed mini games + pathways to minim game ive ever seen.
It requires you to climb onto the balcony around box game by going behind bowling, then you cross to the game on this very narrow bridge which takes you to a very very narrow balcony. It seems to be rather difficult to control reds from this minigame as there are several very awkward spots for BLU team that turn into decent rebel spots for RED.

Also the minigame itself is designed so poorly and you can die suddenly by just simply playing the game the way it seems to be intended. Yeah you can just skip that jump with decent ease, but I can not think of any other map that has bleed over from previous sections of the minigame besides casurina obby having a few stray sparks bleeding into the fan section. But even that helps reds tell what side it pushes from.
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Videos are pretty damning.

Hope this shows how important it is to playtest and quality control
For the concerns Mehgend raised:

Hypothetically if this map were to be added, most likely Wipeout would just be ignored, similar to Shock Drop and Roll on Casuarina, and there are enough new minigames on the version that it wouldn't be a major loss.

However, the issue with turning on Mancannon and rebellers being killed simply for being in the area by the lava pit is a genuine concern. If this map were to be added I'd have to see if Semi can alter anything with stripper.
  • Boring
Reactions: ItsNotCalassic
my vote is a no.

the map does look sort of nice, but the minigames aren't worked out very well. (as in, Speedrun has a RANDOM CHANCE door which isn't well executed imo, steady pace has a breakable that can be hard to break with a full server, leading to everyone's inevitable demise. plus, you are forced to go BACKWARDS if you pick a wrong door in this minigame. Laser dodge has no teleporter or indication of which REDs finished, plus it's a very short unoriginal game)

i haven't played on this map myself but from what ive seen (from mehgend mostly) i have a pretty negative view on this map.
  • Agree
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Speedrun has a RANDOM CHANCE door which isn't well executed imo
Its not a random chance because it tell you what door to go to, but the minigame still kinda sucks ngl lol.

Its literally two jumps and a left then a right.

also one last point about Manncann before I shut up, but not only can it kill from across the map, but it also kills people infront of the door.
Meaning instead of some scout just trolling blus by turning a game on, it just freekills everyone following the orders.
Yes this can be stopped by having someone guard, but the area is small enough that it is entirely possible they can make it before dying, or the guard turns it on in the moment of killing the rebeller. Extremely poor design, and it shows in every other part of the game thats new.

The textures are lazily thrown together (Jumprope, arena, and spllef in particular look terrible)

Sniper sightlines on nightfall were bad, but this map takes it to another level with wipeout + the openess of the map.

Steadypace seems to have a way to completely avoid the motivator, but I can't confirm it just yet.

Typeracer is a dated minigame and would probably have the intended way of playing banned

Lazer dodge seems to require reds to play it forwards AND backwards, but I can not confirm.

Also in general, the new minigames are all placed in such inconvienent spots. Instead of feeling like an expanded upon map such as mlcastle refurbished or district remake, all the new stuff doesnt fix any of the issues dynf has with empty space, instead it just adds to the central map. Throw a minigame where the mann cannon finish is, have a few things be around steadyapce. SOMETHING. but instead spleef is tossed into a corner of the map nobody ever goes to, and they never will because maps need to have minigames close to eachother so wardens can do stuff in succession. All the things closest to spleef are theater, diner, and trivia. All 3 are non-minigames that eat up too much time or traditionally done with 3 reds.

Death fall is cool though.
Don’t think anyone thought to message here after the playtest but just for future reference incase this map gets re-suggested in the future, again, we didn’t have fun playtesting the map with +20 ppl. Nightfall though a bland map, is leagues better than this garbage…
  • Agree
  • Wow
Reactions: Mehgend and salguod

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