Answered [JB Mostly, but all Servers to Some Extent] How to Recognize Alts? (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Recently I've seen a rather large spike of alt related bans on the ban site.

Prior to the VPN change, alts were pretty rampant but also pretty easy to identify. Nowadays I often question myself before using !call when it comes to the topic of someone potentially being an alt.
What are some recent signs (aside from giveaways such as the name or cheats) that have been used to mark these users?

As a regular, I know that abuse of call admin is not only discouraged but bannable, so I've been very wary of using the command when it comes to protentional alts post-VPN change.
So when it comes to gut feelings, is it better to !call even when I may very well be wrong in my own judgement, or is preferable to wait for concrete signals of an alt?
Personally, I wouldn't really worry about identifying alts as a non-admin. We have our own tools at our disposal for identifying alts. Just keep doing what your doing and just use the !call function on people who are actively breaking the rules rather than trying to catch potential alts... Its what we get paid for!

We also dont want to reveal our ways of identifying them on a public platform anyways as they tend to get pretty clever. ;)
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