Accepted [JB] Report against Bugs (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Current Steam Name: Bugs
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432178031
Which Server the rule was broken on: US JB
Rule Broken: Baiting

Let me preface these clips with this appeal Bugs made less than a month ago, and what he was told by Banana.
The Appeal
Quote Banana:
"I cannot stress this enough, please do not be trigger happy, it will get you teambanned and you will not be able to appeal it for a very long time."

Being trigger happy, in its own right isn't illegal, but it is very much in contrast to Bugs' prior appeal. I warned Bugs' several times in game prior to the composition of this report.
There are clips displaying his regressive behavior and clips for his baiting, each will be labeled as such with a brief summary.

Clip #1:
Bugs kills several Reds for doing non-afk taunts when the order is to AFK in cells.
After which I warn him about being trigger happy. Earlier on MLCastle Bugs did freekill a red by shooting into a crowd, which is what is referenced here.
Bugs' response is (paraphrasing since the audio is quiet), 'it was an accident so I don't care' (about 1:45 in the clip).
Sure it's not against the rules, but people enjoy the game more if you warn them prior to just point farming.
Furthermore, being trigger happy results in accidental freekills. This is all behavior he has been warned against, and was by myself here.

Clip #2:
Bugs just baiting, and him given a warning by me. That's it.

Clip #3:
Bugs baiting at the end of climb. Climb ended at 5:30, and he sat by the cage knowing it would soon open. This lead to an "accidental" bait, but he knows better.

Clip #4:
Probably the most egregious instance of Bugs baiting.

Clip #5:
Freekill by some standards, extremely nitpicky by others.
Either way, this is exactly the kind of behavior Bugs was warned against.
If you kill a Red for 'prematurely' hitting a button in trivia before warden is even inside themselves, that is incredibly trigger happy.
Both myself and Admins warned against this in the clip, yet Bugs just doubles down. Not to mention he has already been warned about this before.
Frankly it shows a complete regression from his appeal made less than a month ago.

Closing Statement:
What is being reported is the baiting, of which there is more than sufficient evidence.
Answering a pertinent question before its even asked, the timeframe of ALL these clips was from the exact same day.
Furthermore, there have been several blus baiting as of late. Small bits of trolling or baiting in Death Request is one thing, but the only time baiting dies down is when an admin is on.
The frequency of other blus baiting has been annoying, but I've caught less instances of others compared to Bugs.
Regardless, this ought to be used as a message to other blus to stop baiting.

Once more, being trigger happy is not against the rules per se, but it lowers the enjoyment of the game mode.
Killing for a non AFK taunt can always be prefaced by defining what is or isn't AFK, rather than just slaughtering several reds and making them wait for next round.
The reasoning of "it's in the rules" is a blatant disregard of what Bugs has been told prior.

Playing like this only serves to frustrate other players, and to put it bluntly, it is disappointing.
If a blu's main priority is killing whenever possible, I believe that goes against the ethics of Panda.
Apologies for all that reading Admins, thanks for your time.
I was there to witness the last clip of Bugs killing you in Trivia on Crossroads. As I hadn't been on with him much, I thought I would be courteous to him and give him a warning (as I am aware of his teamban history). I did not have knowledge of the other incidents. The clips of him baiting repeatedly is all I really need to smack another perma teamban on him.

Accepted, thanks for the report.
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