Declined Lichowsky's gag appeal [only serious talk this time] (1 Viewer)

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Aug 9, 2022
2022-07-13 19:21:58
Admin revealing

I've been gagged for revealing an admin "undercover" by using a kiss / hug command (which is no longer awailable).
Although it was a punishable behaviour, many of us used to do it as a running joke back then.
Unfortunately, some did not share the same sort of humor as I do. Besides, the admin that banned
me is no longer on project, and I think it would be fair to say that the decision was not completely
unbiased. Let's say we weren't on good terms since he happened to be a furry and I happened to not like their kind
a whole lot and find the fandom extremely problematic, which I expressed many times in his presence also.
I got permagagged because that was the forth violation of the rules, although minor one.
The three before last one were: discussing furries in chat (toxicity - by AnOwOn), connecting to the server
with the name 'Furries are bad' (toxicity - by Solar) and broadcasting Bee Movie script in the voice chat (micspam - by Solar).
So, that's pretty much the whole story.

[So many boring words it cannot possibly be qualified as a shitpost again]
Well to be fair I can talk anyway, so the gag is more of an annoying inconvinience than a punishment really. But I miss the chat sometimes.
Also I meant 'gagged' not 'banned' of cource. And yes, I don't think that one should be punished for his views. I do believe in freedom of speech,
and even questionable opinions should be debaded, not silenced. (I mean I totaly agree with the punishment for micspam and revealing tho -
those were deserved no questions asked 😅)
So are you guys like considering stuff or something? Do you need some additional information? I mean it's been 2 days so no replies at all seem weird especially after 2 frist tries getting denied so quickly
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@Musisphaera, well that's my point precisely! I'm not banned, I play daily on Deathrun EU as I used to for several years now.
I still can normaly talk via voice chat which I do regularely, the only thing that missing is
my text chat which was blocked by a guy who is not even on the project anymore.
It happened two years ago and for a 'minor crime'.
That's why I'm so surpriced that there is appearentely more to it. I've seen several admins reviewing this topic
yet nothing came out of this. Maybe people just aren't familiar with the situation since I only play DR and don't really care
about rest of the servers, I don't know what to think of it tbh. Well, I'll just wait some more.
So I see you looking at this now and then so I'll just handle this instead, as Stabbin stated he wanted to handle this yet has not.

With your '[So many boring words it cannot possibly be qualified as a shitpost again]' and deleted posts with memes in here shows you taking this appeal as nothing but a joke we are not going to take you seriously. It just shows that you are not ready to be ungagged.

You also refer to your gag is a 'minor crime' yet you have the stacked punishments to prove that you do not respect our rules. You are not sorry for your behaviour, just that it was all because you expressed your dislike about furries hence you felt that the punishments were biased.

Here is to highlight one of your older appeals, showing that your viewpoint still has not changed and that you had been told by Stabbin that your future appeals should be serious but you did not listen:

What you do have in your favour is you have not gotten into anymore trouble with communication rules. You are a very active regular and, although you do have a call or two about you delaying, seems you've been behaving on the server.

Until you are willing to take this seriously, no more jokes and take responsibility then we will consider accepting your future appeal. I'll give you a cooldown of 1 month, 19th of October 2024. This is to show you that if you do not listen to staff, your actions have consequences of having to still wait out your punishment.
Anymore appeals before the date stated , your forum account may be banned and you may have to wait longer for an accepted appeal.
If your next appeal is another joke it will just get auto declined with a longer cooldown date.
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