Declined Natere123's Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Aug 1, 2024
Username: natere123

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:243922770

Age: 17 turning 18 soon (December 26th)

Current Playtime on Relevant Server: 3 days and 25 minutes.

Source bans record: here

Server I am applying for: US 2Fort

General online times: Not 100% sure on my online times as of now but I will be able to do a few hours a night or at least be able to handle calls. My timezone is US Central.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, however I prefer to not use it if I am not required to use it.

Previous experience: None that would be relevant to a TF2 server.

What makes me a suitable candidate: I can be extremely dedicated to things that I like, this server being one of them. Even though I have no relevant experience I absolutely would love to learn and better my understanding of how being a TF2 admin works. I also try my best to see each situation from both sides so there is no confusion on what is going on. I am not sure on what I would do personally for punishments if you have any recommendations on how I could figure out what my policies and such should be I would appreciate it. Since I know you will be looking at my chat logs as part of this application, I admit I have some not great things in there that I would like to apologize for, and that I also understand if I need to wait to show I can change my behavior before applying for admin.
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Hello natere123, apologies for the late response. Due to there being no assigned US 2fort admins, there's really only me to give feedback of what I can see off server.

I see that your sessions are dropping off. If you are no longer interested in being an admin please let me know, but if you are just busy irl please let us know here for now until under review.
As for your chatlogs I see you insulting. It's not so much to be too concerned, but if you're going to represent the community you need to follow the rules and set an example. I see you mention this part in your admin application and your chatlog from when you mentioned you are applying you've improved.
Also to note I see you conversing with a known regular about their objectors, which we are aware are NSFW. We do have a rule about trading objectors that would get you banned off the server, so just be careful and keep it off the server to not encourage the behaviour to use them.
I would like to see you report on the forums more, as you have done in the past. Improving your sessions is a must too.

Also you mention in your application you are unsure on how to give an example for punishments. I would like you to give an example of what you would do if someone is playing music over the microphone. Any warnings, punishments or doing nothing at all. It's a good start to see just what your process you believe it would be. If accepted, you would be taught what to do in those situations so don't worry about too much about getting it wrong.

I'll leave this open for 1 week. I do expect a response, but if you have any questions before answering anything I've requested here please ask.
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Thanks for the response, however school has started back up again and I'm in the process of getting a new job which will make it likely that I wont be able to be as active as I had planned in my original post. You can go ahead and disregard my application, I'm not playing TF2 near as much right now due to having so much stuff on my plate.
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