Accepted Report against BOB the AI and 2ManyDonuts (1 Viewer)

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Jul 31, 2024
Force baiting is something that is KOS on many servers, so my question here is were they told what they did was wrong after the clip ended?
It was indeed a freekill, but it feels like a warning or clarification would have sufficed given this is the only instance provided.
Force baiting is something that is KOS on many servers, so my question here is were they told what they did was wrong after the clip ended?
It was indeed a freekill, but it feels like a warning or clarification would have sufficed given this is the only instance provided.
I asked why i was killed, they did not respond
I think pistol is right and they should've probably been told about the rules and use it as a learning situation. No LR was restricted so what im going to go ahead and do and try to get in contact with these two on steam and link the video and tell them they cant be doing these things in the future. If something like this happens again with either of them please submit another report and i'll take care of it.

Ill send a warning to both of them, thanks for the report and i apologize for this happening.
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