Accepted SaintZack's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Jan 28, 2023

What's your username? Ibrahim.eshaktar

What is your SteamID?

What is your type of punishment? Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

Who has punished you? Grambam36

Why were you punished? Alt (main account got game banned)

Why should we revoke your punishment? Requesting an unban for my new account "Ibrahim.eshaktar" Yes, its true, I did cheat in TF2, and yes Ibrahim.eshaktar is an alt for Ragnar Gigglesby. I did not cheat on Ragnar Gigglesby. My Ragnar Account got game banned due to activity on an alt and the alt got deleted by Valve. I have never cheated on Ibrahim.eshaktar. I did not cheat on any Panda-Community servers. Furthermore, I have no intention of using cheats ever again. I'm not here looking for pity and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. I don't feel bad about what I did. In fact I would still be doing it now if it weren't for the fact that the consequences were so profound. I enjoyed dominating people who were rude/annoying in game, I enjoyed making people laugh, I enjoyed the attention I drew, both negative and positive. Cheating was fun for a while but ultimately its not worth getting banned off my favourite server and losing all the friends I made. The other servers mean nothing to me, same with my cosmetics, I would have stopped playing TF2 a long time ago if not for Panda JB. I am not expecting this to get accepted but nevertheless, you have my word that over the last 52 days I have seriously re-evaluated the things I do for attention and am now acutely aware that you simply don't get away with doing stupid and destructive things. A lesson I unfortunately had to learn the hard way.
I have grambam's permission to take this over.

STEAM_0:0:884118993 - new account
STEAM_0:1:721852249 - old account with vac

We only class it as a cheating ban if the user cheated on panda community. Since there's no evidence of Saint Zack cheating on panda community, it is not a cheating ban. It is just an alt ban.
Looking at your punishments you are actually evading an active punishment from your main account. A sprayban, which isn't much of a big deal but still is something. When a fresh account joins we are always cautious to ban it before it mfks.

What you should of done is let us know about your vac ban and your new account in order for you to switch accounts as your punishment history needs to be transferred to the new account.

So what I'll do is remove your gameserver ban but apply your sprayban and make notes of your sourceban history so stacking can be correct.

If you are found with an alt again without alerting us of an account switch, a permanent ban will be placed on without warning. You may be subject to monitoring because of this.
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