Pending Walter Black's Gag appeal (1 Viewer)

Feb 21, 2024
name of steam thats muted:
Walter Black

steam id:

date of mute:
2024-02-25 03:57:35

reason for mute:
Alt of gagged and muted main

admin that muted you:

why should i receive an unmute:
(Before I start I'll ask that you please refer to me as Walter Black as the whole reason I made an alt in the first place was cause I wanted to make a fresh start and not be known for my main)
I'll admit that I've had my fair share of toxic outbursts, and though this ''reason to unmute'' thing might sound like a sob story just bare with me for a sec.

For a long time now I've had severe anger issues, causing me to be unnecessarily angry, pissed off and unreasonably toxic at the slightest inconvenience. This was not a tf2 thing, I have had 2 overwatch accounts permanently banned due to toxicity and have been thrown out of several discord communities. This issue extended into Jailbreak's chat where I started insulting people for things really not worth making a fuss over, even insulting admins on mic after I couldn't type it anymore. This is all on me and I really do apologize for that, it were things I said in the moment and know I shouldn't have.
Since then I've been seeking professional help for this (along other problems) and have been making progress. With help of my mom and therapist I've been working on outing anger in a productive way rather than a destructive way like toxicity or aggression, which was my go-to before I got professional help. I always knew being toxic in chat was wrong but before I sought help I just couldn't control myself, things just happened, I said things before I even registered that I said them, whereas now I have better control on how to handle myself and my behavior.

I'd like to clarify that I'm not using those issues I had as an excuse. It was still entirely my fault, my anger issues weren't for someone else to deal with, and it had been a growing issue that I just eventually had to confront. Having said that, I would be grateful if my gag would be lifted, but I also understand if I just made too many mistakes in the past.

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