Completed Auto time bomb for non lr freedays (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Nov 8, 2019
A lot of the time JB can drag on when the warden has died, and it's kind of boring for both the people alive and the people that died, sometimes no one really rebels and does nothing, it happens.
I have seen admins time bomb everyone after 3 minutes or so of absolutely nothing going on, after they've asked someone to do something that is.
There should be an auto time bomb three minutes after the warden dies to stop rounds dragging on forever, it gives people an ample amount of time to rebel and do a map secret or whatever,it'll prevent rounds dragging on with nothing really happening and it'll encourage shit to actually happen which is good I think.
This is pretty out there for a suggestion and it might be my short attention span talking so yeah!
AnD WhO IS GoInG tO CoDe iT?!?!?!??!?
Not that hard, just hook the timebomb command to go off 3 or so minutes after warden locks, maybe add a text warning or two, recompile the plugin and call it a day. If kevin would be so nice to give me the jb plugin .sp file I could probably have something out soon, otherwise I'd have to experiment with hooking another plugin to watch for when the warden is killed and execute the timebomb from that instead.
how are you gonna do secrets on maps this suggestion is really good on paper but in game not to good in my opinion

After looking into this further, this is something that will have to be coded directly into the plugin. I'll mark this as pending for now but don't be surprised if this doesn't get implemented until redux is finished and implemented.
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