GameME bug? (1 Viewer)


Jul 19, 2014
Hello, I am playing on the #4 Dodgeball server
and I noticed that I do not get points for every kill I do or lose points everytime I die,
why is that? is it for everyone? can you fix it? I asked many admins and they had no idea.
I know it is not related to the guy I killed/died to because sometimes I get points from a certain guy and sometimes not

it is very annoying to me because the gameME stats are one of the only reasons I enjoy Panda community so much,
and I could have x5 more points if it would get fixed :(

Thanks. :confused:
GameME is only active when there are 4 or more players if I remember correctly. That might be the issue. :)
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GameME is only active when there are 4 or more players if I remember correctly. That might be the issue. :)
Thank you for the reply but I am 100% sure that this is not the issue, even when the server is full I get nothing.
I only get like 5 points each 20 people I kill, it is very annoying >:(
Hope anyone else can help my problem
Thank you for the reply but I am 100% sure that this is not the issue, even when the server is full I get nothing.
I only get like 5 points each 20 people I kill, it is very annoying :mad:
Hope anyone else can help my problem
on the DB1 server only?
I've not seen the issue on ff2 or Jailbreak recently (I would check Dodgeball 2 but its not back up yet) :confused:
I've not seen the issue on ff2 or Jailbreak recently (I would check Dodgeball 2 but its not back up yet) :confused:
working on it babe, stupid that there isnt something created already to split 1 person up in 10 to manage stuff quicker :P
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working on it babe, stupid that there isnt something created already to split 1 person up in 10 to manage stuff quicker :p
Ikr, I can track where my pizza is in the oven from my bedroom, but I can't split myself into 10 different entities. It's 2015! Fucking technology is lacking right now.
on the DB1 server only?
Uhh I do not really play on your other servers, might in the future but right now I play Dodgeball only.
is it the first time you hear about this? because it's like that for over a year for me...
I'm sure you've already came to the conclusion to your issue @TheDo0octor, but I have issues with it too. Is there any fixes coming or has came out since this post was created? If not, is there a solution at all? I'd be interested in trying to fix this issue. I am a pretty competitive player, mainly because I enjoy looking at the quality of my playing. I addressed Crypto and he went about it like there's no solution. Just wanted to verify with you Kevin, just in case it can be fixed. Thanks.
I'm sure you've already came to the conclusion to your issue @TheDo0octor, but I have issues with it too. Is there any fixes coming or has came out since this post was created? If not, is there a solution at all? I'd be interested in trying to fix this issue. I am a pretty competitive player, mainly because I enjoy looking at the quality of my playing. I addressed Crypto and he went about it like there's no solution. Just wanted to verify with you Kevin, just in case it can be fixed. Thanks.
Hey there, unfortunately I still experience this problem.
I do hear from some players that it's not like that for them, and they get points for every kill, so I do not know if it can be fixed.
Can't think of a reason to why it happens to some people and some not...
If you close the thread, please state it admins.

Right so I decided to look into this. Let's take the number 1 player in USA for an example.

Scroll to Player Actions and look at the points award. Here is something you should note, you should really only receive MVP points, killstreak points, team winning points, domination / revenge , destroying dispenser, first blood. Interesting enough this player has 'Airshot rockets'. This is probably achieved by the person they are killing is jumping / in the air at the time the rocket gets them. This is might what you may be confusing with 'killing points'.

So really in short you shouldn't get killing points. It's something overlooked and very rarely happens.

You should still receive points though for filling those particular critrea listed above. If you find one of these not working for you, please make a demo of it happening. Sometimes gameME does not state it within the chat log but adds it anyways, so we will have to look through your 'action logs'.

In fact I can look through yours now Doctor and Squall. I'll be able to tell you are not receiving what you should be, but more than likely you are expecting 'killing points' when really they should not be given out in the first place. The chatlogs might say it happens, but according to gameME it doesn't register and it's the same for everyone else. #1 USA DB player here is clear proof o.o
I just know I accumulated 10 times more kills/deaths than 151 kills - 178 deaths with a .85 kdr. I average 2x that everytime I get on. If the statistics are going to state that the KDR is under 1.00 then I gave a problem. Due to the pure fact other players seem to not have issues. KDR should not be reflected based upon the significance of MVP 1-3 or any special event. It should be based purely on Kills and Deaths received throughout gameplay. I don't necessarily care to receive killing points, however my K/D is the issue.
In retrospect, looking on the hours I've played, there's no way I could possibly of accumulated 151 kills. (2 days = 48 hours/151 kills divided by 48 hours means I only managed to get 3.1 kills an HOUR) Holy moly, I get 5 kills in about every 10 minutes. That is my one and only issue, just the kills and deaths not registering.

My points are great. the only issue I'm have is just the KDR..

Thank you for acknowledging my post!
Can you give me an example of it working for someone like their KD ratio is correct and show yours? Preferable someone who has the same skill level as you (or time spent on the server).

I would say if it was just killing, it might have to do with the flamethrower you are using. Maybe a weapon can bug it out, but you also state it's not tracking deaths correctly...Hm. Now that I'm not sure o.o
Well the issue might be an all-around issue with everyone playing the server. It might be something conflicting with the way the formula within the statistics counting the kills/deaths.
If I could look at how it's programmed to process the K/D and ratio I could maybe figure it out or see what the issue is.
(Link to stats)
(Link to another player's stats same playtime)
(Player slightly better than I am, but older player of server)

People who have been playing 2+ days have a positive change as far as KPM. This might have something to do with a certain thing being altered, edited or updated between then and when I initially started playing. (Their start time/during their playtime from my start time) If you also read my stats it's says my survival time is through the roof, so maybe that is also an issue. It's plausible I have a average 2 minute lifespan, but unlikely.

Let me know if you need any further information to resolve this issue!

Thanks again!
Additionally, if you look further into the statistics... You can see the rounds played for the day, it states kills and deaths as well as rounds won and lost. For example, it determines that there's an issues due to me dying 17 times but losing 115 rounds. That is all!
So I went ahead and inquired on ModAllies to see if there is any further knowledge on this subject. I am afraid I don't have the right programs to edit or look into the plugins that GameME uses. (if you can add that, that'd be splendid!) But, other than that it's kinda in the owner of the GameME statistics Admin to inquire a support ticket to further delve into getting the most efficient course of action that needs to take place.

Link to ModAllies Post

If I get any further heads up from those guys i'll be sure to update ya!
All the source is in the scripting directory (specifically gameme.sp and gameme_messages.sp). The plugins directory merely contains a precompiled version (of those sources) for your convenience.

Also, you might want to add to your alliedmods thread that you're talking about gameMe for clarity. You could possibly also ask for help from the company that makes gameMe directly:
All the source is in the scripting directory (specifically gameme.sp and gameme_messages.sp). The plugins directory merely contains a precompiled version (of those sources) for your convenience.

Also, you might want to add to your alliedmods thread that you're talking about gameMe for clarity. You could possibly also ask for help from the company that makes gameMe directly:
That link isn't really directing me or leading me to find an inquiry page.

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