Declined Oh boy, another Theatre suggestion (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
I'm suggesting we require the use of that new warden command for the minigames Threatre and Diner

I suggest this due to the lack of blues paying attention and at the very least a prompt on the screen popping up will encourage interaction amongst players and let the minigame go by quicker.
I feel like most wardens either don't even know how to use the vote function or don't know it exists to begin with.
Probably would be good to put in the warden menu at some point or some other way to make it obvious that it exists in the first place.
I feel like most wardens either don't even know how to use the vote function or don't know it exists to begin with.
Probably would be good to put in the warden menu at some point or some other way to make it obvious that it exists in the first place.
Then we teach them? As new rules are added, we as a community have always been quick to wanting to teach new players new rules. That would not be an issue whatsoever.
put it in the rules

"if warden wants to diner/threater, he has to use the command "!wvote yes no" but if lr allowed it, he can do a normal vote where everyone (reds and blues) participates"
Then we teach them? As new rules are added, we as a community have always been quick to wanting to teach new players new rules. That would not be an issue whatsoever.
Yes, and I support the idea as a whole after more thought about it. I'm just stating that the mechanic isn't generally obvious to people as it is right now is all, as easy as it is to do.

But it's not like the average warden that doesn't know Jailbreak at all would even do Theater to begin with.
Vote command has a cooldown. For theatres with faster runtimes this cd can interfere with the minigame at times. Especially under the case of mass diner/theatre etc etc. This unnecessary delay will cause failrounds during said rounds.
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Krook hit the nail on the head here.
Vote command has a cooldown. For theatres with faster runtimes this cd can interfere with the minigame at times. Especially under the case of mass diner/theatre etc etc. This unnecessary delay will cause failrounds during said rounds.
the vote command cooldown was truthfully unneccessary rule addition a lot of people don't want, and 15 seconds between vote wouldnt be a delay because of this. Typical acts for blues/reds do take 10-15 seconds. Tho I do understand where it could become an issue having to wait for the plugin, berke has mentioned he could lower it to 10 seconds.
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the vote command cooldown was truthfully unneccessary rule addition a lot of people don't want, and 15 seconds between vote wouldnt be a delay because of this. Typical acts for blues/reds do take 10-15 seconds. Tho I do understand where it could become an issue having to wait for the plugin, berke has mentioned he could lower it to 10 seconds.
Despite the fact this can help for theatre and stuff. The main reason there is a cd is to prevent a warden from abusing the vote system to completely remove people's ability to map vote. By changing the cd it's simply just going to open up more issues. Anyways, not every blu is going to know how to do a vote, let alone a team specific vote. It's fine being completely optional as is.
I don't get what's the point of enforcing this as a rule.
If someone finds it more comftable or easier doing it via VC and chat why stop them?
Vote system is a tool, it should help people when they feel it's necessery but forcing them to use it when there is existing alternative serves no purpose at all.
Suggestion includes adding additional rules with no clear objective to making the gameplay experience easier to play and understand = a no from me boss
Id rather tell blue team to vote in team chat than having to teach people how to do a vote command truthfully.

the idea *sounds* simple but on the ground this is only gonna complicate things for literally no reason at all.

It’s best to let people do what they’re comfortable with, when a blue doesn’t vote on blue team its their choice, you don’t have to jingle a vote menu at them like a hyperactive kid who needs constant audio cues to understand “Hey buddy its voting time!!!” because you’ll still run into the problem of having to tell your blues to vote lol
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Just tell the warden to state a standard time that all blus have to cast their votes and make all ties kos/not kos. You completely erase the need for blus who have no idea what they are playing to vote.

Sure it might be a little not fair if a red dies with 7 blus in a 1-2 vote, but it’s also not fair to waste a ton of time or even time expiring while waiting for everyone to vote / waiting for the wvote to finish.
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The server votes also include reds and dead blus.
While it's neat to have reds judge reds as an option, sometimes I like just having 3 votes to count and moving on.
The server votes also include reds and dead blus.
While it's neat to have reds judge reds as an option, sometimes I like just having 3 votes to count and moving on.
you can restrict votes to only one team, but yeah i dont think anything stops a dead blue from voting, or a dead red from switching to blue and vote, as far as i know lol
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