Declined PistolPoppinSince02's Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022

Howdy! My Username is PistolPoppinSince02.
As the username implies, I was born in 2002, and am 21 currently.

Steam32 ID


Current playtime on relevant server(s)

As of writing this I have 36d 21:08:13h on Panda JB

Link to your Sourcebans record



(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?

Spot(s) were open, so I decided to apply. Double checked with Cowboy before-hand.
He didn't give me his blessing or anything, but an encouraging "pop an app and we shall see".

Server you are applying for

US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone

I am most often online between 10p.m CST to 3a.m CST.
Currently I'm not working a job so those hours can be stretched one way or the other, but those are fairly concrete hours unaffected by any future occupations.

Do you have a working microphone?
(This is required for Jailbreak admins)


Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
(Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)

None, which is by far the biggest weakness I present.
A large part of this application being submitting is observing just how well Koe has gotten the grips with the commands.
So a lack of prior experience is something can be overcome.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?

Well first and foremost I am very well versed in the rules. I've racked up a fair bit of playtime on the server, and with that comes a familiarity with rules and corresponding policies.
General rule of thumb personally; if someone is doing something unknowingly against the rules, warning/educating them what they are doing, always ought to come before a ban.
As it stands currently, the entire admin team is pretty chill, and that is what keeps new players coming and old people returning.

Personal ethics and attitudes aside, I have a small handful on forum reports, which ought to addressed.
In some ways that is detrimental to my potential position as an admin. I don't have an expansive catalogue of reports to reference.
Conversely, it does provide evidence of familiarity on the process of reports.
A large reason my reports are so scarce is because I'm a dumb dumbie.
The vast majority of my prior reports were made with NVidia recordings, or demofiles recorded with NVidia.
Unironically I only discovered what Nvidia Shadowplay is until today, which now that I have Shadowplay setup, I am significantly more confidant is performing the duties of an admin.

Familiarity beyond quantifiable time or defined rules also ought to be addressed.
As the hours have racked up, I've become very well versed with many other JB regulars.
When diluted, JB is a social gamemode, and the people I've become familiar with are integral to my enjoyment.
As someone who has seen many faces come and go, I would like to be a part of the reason JB stays an enjoyable experience for everyone.

General overview of your policies and punishments.
Bans/Comms (SERVER time)Teambans (Time Spent ALIVE)Accidental MFK (TIME SPENT ALIVE)MFK
1st Offense720 minutes (Half a day)120 minutes240 minutes to 360 minutes.
240 if an earnest accident (I.E flame particles touch more than the intended target), 360 if an accident but easily prevented (firing a rocket at a single rebeller and killing others with splash)
Perma. Zero tolerance for wasting the time of everyone else in game.
2nd Offense1440 minutes (One day)240 minutes720 minutes to Perma (with simular reasoning)
3rd Offense5040 minutes (Half a week)480 minutesPerma regardless of circumstances. 3 MFKs is 3 strikes too many
4th Offense10080 (One week)Perma
5th Offense40320 (Four weeks)
6th OffensePerma

Other Pertinent Acknowledgements for Bans

Alting and or Hacking is a perma.

NSFW Sprays/Objectors/Weapon Names will be given a warning. If no change is made then a server kick.
If they rejoin without change, then a perma spray ban for sprays, or a temp ban a la my Bans/Comms section for Weapons/Profiles.

No mic on blu will be handled with a warning and corresponding team-switch.
Mic problems happen, but if they continue to join blu without a mic they will receive a teamban a la my Teambans section.

Closing Statement

At the end of the day I'm just a dude who enjoys JB, and I would like to be a small part of that for others.
I'm sure I've forgotten something along the way, so let me know if you would like anything else from my end.
I don't live on the forums by any means, but I will check back more frequently and try to respond with any questions you may have.
Otherwise thank you for your time and consideration!
Oh! And also I am tearex8462 (@TeaRex) on the Discord server. I only joined the official server today, but have been on the unofficial one for some time
Hello, PistolPoppinSince02. I don't really have any complaints. Your app looks good, your ban and comm records are completely clean, you are knowledgeable in the rules and you have a good personality and are fun to play with.

I'm a fan of the app. Everything looks good & punishments are pretty much in-line with what we do.
However, before I say much more, I would like to give you a quick check-up. Below are 3 previous reports. I want to know how you'd handle each situation assuming you were on the server with admin buttons. Assume no prior history and the current rule set. There's no pressure to get a "right" answer, just how you'd handle each situation.
There are 4 clips in here but they're all for one incident.

I'm a fan of the app. Everything looks good & punishments are pretty much in-line with what we do.
However, before I say much more, I would like to give you a quick check-up. Below are 3 previous reports. I want to know how you'd handle each situation assuming you were on the server with admin buttons. Assume no prior history and the current rule set. There's no pressure to get a "right" answer, just how you'd handle each situation.
There are 4 clips in here but they're all for one incident.

View attachment 29991
View attachment 29992
View attachment 29993
View attachment 29994

So first clip is a doozy.
From my understanding FloFliz was the warden, and therefore the tie breaker. The first picture shown was 3 Yes, 3 No. So warden broke the tie, and the red lived.
Second picture was also a tie, with FloFliz voting yes. However he changed his vote to a No after all other voting was done, making it 4 No, 2 Yes.
Which the picture in question was extremely juvenile as well.
FloFliz changed his vote which frankly seems unfair bordering on favortism, and I think he should be given a warning for that, but not a ban. should also be warned not to draw what he drew. Coloring clash is easy to erase, so I think just a warning suffices.

Second clip is interesting.
Generally speaking for small errors on blu team, a warning is sufficient. The person recording mentions it wasn't the first time, however without additional evidence I cannot treat it as such.
Given the Meatgrinder was legal due to the blu count, I would issue a reminder to the warden to give a warning prior to enabling FF. If the Meatgrinder was illegal and FF wasn't announced, then a 120 minute ban seems reasonable. Not terribly long, but long enough to play on red and establish a better understanding of the rules.

Third clip is an example of a teamban being warranted.
The illegal and unannounced FF caused many reds to die. I think too many reds were impacted to justify a simple warning.
120 minute teamban to better grasp the rules and warden commands.
  • Agree
  • Informative
Reactions: koe and crubf
Very happy to see you apply, Pistol, I've seen you on a fair bit and have been in rounds with you with an overall positive experience.
I think your answers to crub's situations are very informative and show how you will deal with similar situations and your punishment scale is very easy to follow and shows a concise way of handling people who break the rules.
Overall I'm very optimistic and feel comfortable with giving this a +1 much luck to you!
Very solid looking application and your answers to the clips in questions makes me think that you deserve a shot at this. +1
G'day PistolPoppinSince02, good to see you apply! :)

Ready? Set, Go!

I have seen you ingame a few times, nothing bad to mention. Unfortunately i dont remember much of your personality but neither can i call out anything negative

You Application looks Stellar, nice clean and easy to the eyes, i can also appreciate you putting the punishment stackings in a SpreadSheet, shows you put effort into it

Dont have much too mention or any question, you app already told everything

no reason not to give a +1, Good luck on your Application lad!
I have seen you some in game, not directly met you, in the past I would be a bit skeptical, but this looks like the team is leaning towards accepting you, I don't mind bandwagoning.
Hello Pistol! It's actually very nice to see you apply. I think your quite a notable player who I see around often, and I always see you acknowledge and understand the rules. Your application looks very nice, and I have generally no complaints here. Absolutely a +1 from me :)
So ever since I saw your answers I'd been observing you quietly and I was pretty much primed to drop a +1. However, recently you've managed to fall for the phishing scams that have been going around on Steam which makes a few concerning implications.
That alone doesn't make me want to -1 you on the spot (since, besides being a scam victim, you've been a strong candidate in every other observable aspect) though I am much less confident in giving you a +1.

For now I'll sit as neutral. Best of luck with the application.
So ever since I saw your answers I'd been observing you quietly and I was pretty much primed to drop a +1. However, recently you've managed to fall for the phishing scams that have been going around on Steam which makes a few concerning implications.
That alone doesn't make me want to -1 you on the spot (since, besides being a scam victim, you've been a strong candidate in every other observable aspect) though I am much less confident in giving you a +1.

For now I'll sit as neutral. Best of luck with the application.
Absolutely agree and thank you for the neutral stance.
It caught me off guard and I got duped like a dweeb, which there is frankly little excuse for.
Damage control, however, is what I was able to control thereafter.
Handled calmly, I had all compromises resolved within an hour, and apologized to all affected parties.
  • Informative
Reactions: crubf
Solid application and responses, your account being compromised is a pretty big red flag though, nothing to deter me from supporting this app but it greatly limits it
Still, good luck and keep up the great work, you still have the review period to go through so more time to earn back goodwill, don't be too bummed out about scam :p
  • Friendly
Reactions: PistolPoppinSince02
That's all the required feedback, time to put this under review.

Any questions or inactivity please let me know. Good luck ::):
sadly going to decline this for now.
you may apply again in a month; 28.04.2024.
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