Fixed dr_horrors_panda5_d (2 Viewers)


New Member
May 21, 2024
I got bored and put toolsblockbullets everywhere as func_detail to stop people from activating traps as soldier/demo. This also blocks blue from killing people through walls.


Screenshot 2024-05-25 215450.png

Custom stuff (materials, models, sounds) don't seem to be packed into the map, only the default materials. Thought the file size seemed a little suspicious!

Use this to compile the map, you can add a process to automatically pack all the custom things the map uses (assuming you extracted them from the map beforehand).
I used BSPSource to decompile map from tf/download/maps and only edited it for the fix

will use Compile Pal you linked to compile the map again will custom stuff
-fixed missing custom assets
-made first trap unavoidable by climbing on the TVs (put playerclip above it)
dont keep the naming same if you made a prev. release.
dont keep the naming same if you made a prev. release.
previous files weren't compiled and compressed so I didn't bother to change the name to mess with cubemaps, but will keep it in mind for any future fixes 🙂
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-fixed missing custom assets
-made first trap unavoidable by climbing on the TVs (put playerclip above it)
Regarding that second change, I remember there was a discussion about that trap and ultimately it was decided that it's a skill trap and should stay the way it is. For some reason I can't find that thread (maybe it was deleted?) but maybe DR admins remember that @Stabbin

I got bored and put toolsblockbullets everywhere as func_detail to stop people from activating traps as soldier/demo. This also blocks blue from killing people through walls.
Also this, you don't need to make blockbullet brushes func_detail. If they're cutting visleaves then replace the texture with blockbullets2.
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Also this, you don't need to make blockbullet brushes func_detail. If they're cutting visleaves then replace the texture with blockbullets2.
That's how I've learned to place those in to never have troubles, and it works as intended so it's good for me. Thank you for the tip on that.

Regarding that second change, I remember there was a discussion about that trap and ultimately it was decided that it's a skill trap and should stay the way it is. For some reason I can't find that thread (maybe it was deleted?) but maybe DR admins remember that @Stabbin
If that's what server agreed on then I've removed it in attached file


Thanks for posting, will do some testing

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