Giving some thought to my guardban (1 Viewer)

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Dec 15, 2022
Before you read any of this, this is not an appeal. I'm not making any form of appeal to my guardban unless an admin has approved that the appeal can be looked over with balanced judgement. I'm venting my thoughts about if my guardban was taken a little over proportion.

About a week ago, I was guardbanned for teamkilling a Guard on Jailbreak because of past baiting and overtalking of guards in previous rounds that I was on Blue. It wasn't within my right to teamkill them over those things, but I haven't had any chance to apologize to the player, as I have no clue where they've been since they were reported. The point is, I was permaguardbanned for this. I've never been guardbanned temporarily or permanently for teamkilling on Blue, and the only time I've been given a warning has been my first time accidentally teamkilling a Blue during HG. Ever since my latest unguardban, I've been doing my best to uphold the rules correctly and be a proper Guard/Warden. The reason it was permanent was because of my history of guardbans, the first one being an accidental MFK (The whole server was loud and Warden gave an order to "Kill them all", and I was still somewhat fresh to Panda), and the second one being an intentional MFK (It was a dick move and uncalled for, wasn't in the right headspace that night). During that second guardban, I helped submit reports against Blues who were breaking the rules to show admins and the rest of Panda that I'm doing my best to fit into the community.

I've made no attempt to make an appeal since the guardban after a discussion with Crub. We both came to a mutual understanding of the situation, in which I wouldn't submit an appeal given the circumstances, but I have still given the situation some thought, and wondered if I should have fought my case with what I've written here today. If it was temporary for a huge extended time, that would've also worked with me, but permanent until I can appeal until 3 months from now about what I did seems a little overkill now. I just wanted to put this into light and ask the opinions from everyone else here.
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Any admin input is welcomed as well
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Not an admin, but I think the biggest bump in the road/Red flag for the admins might be your Intentional MFK.

I can understand you that Frustration might got to you when he overtalked the past rounds.
The only Instance you could tk someone at the beginning would be an obvious mfker.

Best to handle this Situation would be to order your blus to be off mic. If they still wont listen warn them that you will teamkill them if they continue to overtalk.

Since rules allow you to teamkill a guard if he makes the round unplayable or impossible to Perform ur duty as a warden. Being unable to give orders certainly falls under this.

I for my part enjoyed playing with ya.

Good luck on your future appeal.
Not an admin, but I think the biggest bump in the road/Red flag for the admins might be your Intentional MFK.

I can understand you that Frustration might got to you when he overtalked the past rounds.
The only Instance you could tk someone at the beginning would be an obvious mfker.

Best to handle this Situation would be to order your blus to be off mic. If they still wont listen warn them that you will teamkill them if they continue to overtalk.

Since rules allow you to teamkill a guard if he makes the round unplayable or impossible to Perform ur duty as a warden. Being unable to give orders certainly falls under this.

I for my part enjoyed playing with ya.

Good luck on your future appeal.
PFD1 has the whole recording (I hope), so he knows more about the entire situation than I do from memory. I can ask him to see the recording from when I joined, and maybe there's a chance I can justify it. Other than that, I will do my best to show I can be trusted again. I hate being seen as someone who keeps breaking the rules.
Skill issue
Before you read any of this, this is not an appeal. I'm not making any form of appeal to my guardban unless an admin has approved that the appeal can be looked over with balanced judgement. I'm venting my thoughts about if my guardban was taken a little over proportion.

About a week ago, I was guardbanned for teamkilling a Guard on Jailbreak because of past baiting and overtalking of guards in previous rounds that I was on Blue. It wasn't within my right to teamkill them over those things, but I haven't had any chance to apologize to the player, as I have no clue where they've been since they were reported. The point is, I was permaguardbanned for this. I've never been guardbanned temporarily or permanently for teamkilling on Blue, and the only time I've been given a warning has been my first time accidentally teamkilling a Blue during HG. Ever since my latest unguardban, I've been doing my best to uphold the rules correctly and be a proper Guard/Warden. The reason it was permanent was because of my history of guardbans, the first one being an accidental MFK (The whole server was loud and Warden gave an order to "Kill them all", and I was still somewhat fresh to Panda), and the second one being an intentional MFK (It was a dick move and uncalled for, wasn't in the right headspace that night). During that second guardban, I helped submit reports against Blues who were breaking the rules to show admins and the rest of Panda that I'm doing my best to fit into the community.

I've made no attempt to make an appeal since the guardban after a discussion with Crub. We both came to a mutual understanding of the situation, in which I wouldn't submit an appeal given the circumstances, but I have still given the situation some thought, and wondered if I should have fought my case with what I've written here today. If it was temporary for a huge extended time, that would've also worked with me, but permanent until I can appeal until 3 months from now about what I did seems a little overkill now. I just wanted to put this into light and ask the opinions from everyone else here.
Best advice I can give is to keep your chat logs clean and your behavior benign.

Every ban you receive is an opportunity to read the rules. That's why an initial ban is rather light, and subsequent bans are heftier.
However for me personally, an intentional MFK skips most the ladder and results in a permanent ban due to the intention behind it. You chose to waste the time of everyone on the server.

I agree your most recent ban wasn't nearly as aggressive of a rule break, but after a perma you ought to be vitally aware of the rules.
I enjoy playing with you, but considering this is your second perma, you'll just have to ride it out and appeal around that time you and Crabf agreed to.

Like I opened with, your chatlogs and general behavior will be central to the success of your appeal when it comes.
Best of luck dude
ngl i just wanna say that u trolled me when i did my mfk saying who wouldnt expect it but now you intentionally mfked ironic isnt it
This intentional MFK was back in July, and I'm not sure you weren't in the server yet. And this wasn't out of malicious intent, I just wasn't having a good day dealing with work and my family.
I enjoy playing with you, but considering this is your second perma, you'll just have to ride it out and appeal around that time you and Crabf agreed to.
This is my third. First was unintentional MFK, second was intentional MFK. This was due to me misunderstanding the rules and teamkilling when I wasn't allowed to at the proper moment.
PFD1 has the whole recording (I hope), so he knows more about the entire situation than I do from memory. I can ask him to see the recording from when I joined, and maybe there's a chance I can justify it. Other than that, I will do my best to show I can be trusted again. I hate being seen as someone who keeps breaking the rules.
i delete video of reports after a while, if you wanna see the video the forum where i reported you is still around
i delete video of reports after a while, if you wanna see the video the forum where i reported you is still around
the video is in the forum reporting headless horse MAN


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i delete video of reports after a while, if you wanna see the video the forum where i reported you is still around
Ah, that's unfortunate. The forum video basically just shows me killing him, nothing else of what I need. Thanks anyways.
This intentional MFK was back in July, and I'm not sure you weren't in the server yet. And this wasn't out of malicious intent, I just wasn't having a good day dealing with work and my family.
july or not its still hypocritical to make fun of someone for doing a mfk when you intentionally did one yourself while also taunting me by saying who wouldnt expect it. Also if your talking about july this summer i was here before that and during.
july or not its still hypocritical to make fun of someone for doing a mfk when you intentionally did one yourself while also taunting me by saying who wouldnt expect it. Also if your talking about july this summer i was here before that and during.
Then this was before you started being an insufferable and annoying person to play with.

And even then, this isn't about me being banned for an MFK. This is me voicing my opinion about whether or not be being permaguardbanned for teamkilling under certain circumstances was a little overkill or not. If you want to keep taunting me about how I did a MFK back in July, my DMs are open anytime.
Then this was before you started being an insufferable and annoying person to play with.

And even then, this isn't about me being banned for an MFK. This is me voicing my opinion about whether or not be being permaguardbanned for teamkilling under certain circumstances was a little overkill or not. If you want to keep taunting me about how I did a MFK back in July, my DMs are open anytime.
lil bro how am i the insufferable person when all i did was help you yeah i was rude to some people nice to u and there is a clear difference between taunting you and showing that your just a straight up douche like from what i remember i was only nice to you i helped you do secrets on maps when you just started i had a lot more points like a lot and points might not matter but it shows my playtime. All your doing rn is playing the victim about being perma gb. Your lucky it wasnt a ban on the mfk since it was intentional with other gbs. if you wanna call someone insufferable and annoying dont be insufferable yourself and stop being a hypocrite.
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lil bro how am i the insufferable person when all i did was help you yeah i was rude to some people nice to u and there is a clear difference between taunting you and showing that your just a straight up douche like from what i remember i was only nice to you i helped you do secrets on maps when you just started i had a lot more points like a lot and points might not matter but it shows my playtime. All your doing rn is playing the victim about being perma gb. Your lucky it wasnt a ban on the mfk since it was intentional with other gbs. if you wanna call someone insufferable and annoying dont be insufferable yourself and stop being a hypocrite.
Yall calm down.
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