Happy New Year 2019! (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012
Hi Pandas,

first of all i wish you all a happy new year and i'd like to thank everyone who supported and helped us last year and especially our @Gameserver Admin's aswell as the @Trial Gameserver Admin's and @Ron for the continuous support.
Not everything has been running smoothly in 2018 infact of updates and in general suggestions, i'll give my best to implement the suggested things as soon as i can and keep better track of it for the future.
First step of this was with the new forum rehaul and the new logo, i hope everyone likes the changes so far and we're not done yet optimizing it :)

Happy New Year! 2019, here we come!
Happy new year everybody, hope 2019 brings you all whatever you are seeking! :) X

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