Declined [JB] Admin Application v1 (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2020
Username: LilSpaceMan

Steam32 ID: STEAM_0:1:508904664

Your age 14 Permission was given by Banana

Current playtime on relevant server(s)
US JB- 58 days

Link to your Sourcebans record

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply


The server you are applying for

I mainly play on Us JB sometimes on Hightower and Deathrun but I am applying for Jailbreak.

General online times & time zone

Monday-Friday 5 pm - 10 pm EST mainly after I finish school work and homework.
Saturday-Sunday 10 am-12am EST this can change as I sometimes wake up at 6 am on weekends and span to be awake until 1-2 am EST

Do you have a working microphone?
(This is required for Jailbreak admins)
Yes Sir!

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
(Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)
No Previous experience except for discord server moderation

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
(Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.)
I believe that I will be a suitable candidate for administrator on the server because I believe that I am responsible and have shown that throughout my time playing on Panda and Jailbreak specifically. Though many might disagree with this statement because of my past and lengthy rep of punishments I have grown up and become responsible. before I would pick fights with people I did not like now I can just walk away and call an admin to keep myself out of trouble. Aside from this, I believe that I will be a suitable candidate for the server because I get my voice out there i am very active and connect a lot with the community and regulars of Jailbreak. I also play at times where an admin is not reachable mainly after school times because people have work and other activities going on in their lives. This is why I believe that if I were an admin I could help clear the plates of other admins who don't have as much time on their hands as me.

Punishment Stacking
Free Kills, Baiting, Dropping Weapons to help prisoners, etc

1st Warning/Slay
2nd 12-hour Team ban
3rd 1 Day Team Ban
4th 3 Day Team Ban
5th 1 Week Team Ban
6th Permanent Team Ban

Unintentional-1- 3-day ban depending on stacking
Intentional-Perm Ban with Demo for Mentor

Mic spamming, Soundboards, Slurs, Trolls, Cap Spamming, Etc
1st Warning/Slay
2nd 12-Hour Mute/Gag
3rd 1 Day Mute/Gag
4th 3 Day Mute/Gag
5th 1 Week Mute/Gag
6th Permanent Mute/Gag

Thanks For Taking The Time To Read This Any Questions Please Contact Me From Discord lilspaceman or Steam and Never Forget to Live, Laugh,Love New Joisey

Inspiration for the application was taken from @koe and @Bananawastaken
Hello, LilSpaceMan. If I’m going to be completely honest, I have mixed feelings about you.

You’ve definitely had a reputation in the past, being known as a “squeaker”, and you have been permamuted, permagagged, and perma teambanned (at least once, possibly twice).

However, I’m not going to deny you’ve definitely managed to improve yourself and mature, especially over the past year. Given your past permas however I feel you might need a little more time to prove you have completely shed your previous reputation.

Sadly I will have to give a -1 for this app, but if you continue to improve I feel you have potential to be an admin in the future.
Hey Denzel thanks for the response I completely understand where you are coming from.I understand where you come from based on my past reputation of squeaker accusations is true and I have been perm muted, banned,and gagged.still though thanks for the response hopefully we can change it to a +1
I personally dont think every applicant needs to be perfect or needs to be this clean as a whistle player who has never broken a rule, everyone trips up from time to time (however in the case of you, LilSpaceMan a lot of trips) but I trust that you have grown and changed from these experiences.
As someone who has known you a long time I know you are capable of changing and you giving pointers to newer players and ever regulars from time to time shows me that you are attentive to rulebreakers and show no bias as far as i know no matter who it is.
I am very optimistic and I really hope over the course of the next few days, weeks, etc. that you carry this same attitude to your future sessions.
After all that, I think I'm going to remain Neutral until further admins reply
Hey Koe thanks for the feedback I hope I can give you the right idea and receive a +1 as your vote
Hi, before I give a verdict I'd like to get to know you a little better. Below are 3 videos from previous reports. I would like you to tell me how you'd handle each situation assuming you were an admin with admin commands. Assume the modern ruleset and no previous bans for any individual.

Hey crubf im going to answer to these clips based on how I would handle it

Clip 1-in this clip the scout looks to be a new player who is not understood of the rules .I would simply slay the guard and respawn the red giving the guard named headshots a warning about the breaking of breakables and would not ban the player.a repeat of this would result in a guard ban based on the stacking of the player.

Clip 2-in this clip the red in this case asked to be free killed and if I were an admin I would not allow the blu in this case is at fault for calling him to the line ultimately because the new player who killed the red thought to kill the red because the warden called him to the lines I would slay the killing guard and because slaying the warden would be unethical for the current time stamp I would respawn the red and then after the round ask my mentor or a different admin their idea because this scenario is very confusing and I don’t know weather to guard ban the warden or just give him a warning

Clip 3- in this clip there are few issue besides the ammunition glitcher.the scout named gamer based on the clip looks as if he is baiting on purpose to drop his weapon but I can’t judge on that well,but the real problem being the ammunition glitcher.i would probably kick him with a message as to why I kicked him off of the server.i would not ban him because judging this is a first time for what he is doing banning him would be unreasonable if he were to come and do it again then I would ban him probably for a day a repeat would be a longer ban.
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Based off of koe's response and your answers to crubf's question I feel I may have been a bit harsh in my previous response. You definitely have matured quite a lot, however I still wanna observe you in-game being a good role model to others. I will upgrade to Neutral.
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Hey Denzel thank you for believing in me and I appreciate the change in thought hopefully it can end in a +1 see you around!
I personally dont think every applicant needs to be perfect or needs to be this clean as a whistle player who has never broken a rule, everyone trips up from time to time (however in the case of you, LilSpaceMan a lot of trips) but I trust that you have grown and changed from these experiences.
As someone who has known you a long time I know you are capable of changing and you giving pointers to newer players and ever regulars from time to time shows me that you are attentive to rulebreakers and show no bias as far as i know no matter who it is.
I am very optimistic and I really hope over the course of the next few days, weeks, etc. that you carry this same attitude to your future sessions.
After all that, I think I'm going to remain Neutral until further admins reply
I do believe enough time has passed since this post and seeing the further responses and your in-game sessions has helped evaluate the current state. We talked a bit about the application beforehand and I gave you pointers to be forward and direct with your application while also being vulnerable because at the end of the day we're all players and I can clearly see you put it to good use both in this application and your attitude on the server whenever you came on.
LilSpaceMan has shown to me that he's more than capable of pointing out rulebreaking no matter how minor it may seem not just to look good to us but to make sure he can be that hand that guides newer players (and regulars which I'm especially happy about) in the future.
Hey crubf im going to answer to these clips based on how I would handle it

Clip 1-in this clip the scout looks to be a new player who is not understood of the rules .I would simply slay the guard and respawn the red giving the guard named headshots a warning about the breaking of breakables and would not ban the player.a repeat of this would result in a guard ban based on the stacking of the player.

Clip 2-in this clip the red in this case asked to be free killed and if I were an admin I would not allow the blu in this case is at fault for calling him to the line ultimately because the new player who killed the red thought to kill the red because the warden called him to the lines I would slay the killing guard and because slaying the warden would be unethical for the current time stamp I would respawn the red and then after the round ask my mentor or a different admin their idea because this scenario is very confusing and I don’t know weather to guard ban the warden or just give him a warning

Clip 3- in this clip there are few issue besides the ammunition glitcher.the scout named gamer based on the clip looks as if he is baiting on purpose to drop his weapon but I can’t judge on that well,but the real problem being the ammunition glitcher.i would probably kick him with a message as to why I kicked him off of the server.i would not ban him because judging this is a first time for what he is doing banning him would be unreasonable if he were to come and do it again then I would ban him probably for a day a repeat would be a longer ban.
I think your responses are very forward and show no abuse of power and also show that in Clip 3, you look beyond the normal scope of just one rulebreaker; sometimes there's many, sometimes you catch someone you didn't intend on catching. In Clip 2, it also shows that you aren't afraid to look to any of us for pointers or for us to weigh in on a situation you're confused about.

To close, I'm glad you are taking this feedback that the team have posed to you and are applying it to your sessions more recently and shows that growth I was really hoping to see from you. You've matured a lot and I'm very proud.
Hope this finds you well as I am very comfortable giving you a +1
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I'm gonna piggyback off of Koe and upgrade my vote again as I am also happy with the progress you have made and your answers to crabf's quiz.

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Hello LilSpaceMan,

in my responses i tend to go into the personality of a applicant, however i have never seen you ingame (or at last maybe once in tab list when i was about to leave). So its really hard for me to review your application my way.

now piggybacking of my fellow admins i see good and bad points, and with me not being able to give a personal response i will leave this to NEUTRAL , However if i do see you ingame whilest this application is still open i might change my feedback, i would just like to see what kind of a player you are and how you act nowadays

good luck on your application!
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Hey Koe and Denzel thank you so much for the switch in thought to a +1 I’m really happy I was able to mature to you guys and hope that we can still keep this boat rolling.

Also hey fairy I I understand you completely it really because our time zones never add up and now that I am back in school it might be little to rare for us to interact because when I’m at school you’re awake I hope we can cross each other in games but until then thanks for the vote!
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Your response has me cautiously optimistic, you are a staple regular but I cannot help but feel maturity will be an issue here
Consider me neutral, under review will be a crucial period and I hope to see you step it up, with warnings in game to reports
Its a competitive cycle, do yourself justice and put in the time and effort to prove it to the team
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Hey banana completely understandable that you feel this way and I believe that under review I can prove myself to the admin team that I am mature enough to hold a role as admin on this for reports whenever I give warning most of the time people are compliant and it makes it easier for me because instead of them risking punishment most people just stop then and there if not that’s when I call admin and proceed to report.appreciate the feedback and hope to prove to you and other jailbreak admins that I can hold the power of administrator on the server.
Hey Spaceman, I as well will be going with neutral. I don't really have much issues with you, but I do think the long history of bans is a little concerning. I think in terms of maturity, you've actually improved from what I've been able to see myself. I'd personally like to see you make more frequent reports if possible. I don't think I'd mind giving you a +1 when I see more potential from you, but as of now I just am unsure. Good luck!
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Hi Spaceman, good to see you applying. You've made considerable progress in your growth but your immaturity sometimes bugs me and you have a pretty rough track record. I believe that we have some stronger applicants that doesnt have as much risk associated with them as you do.

Nevertheless you have improved considerably and i am proud of you and your growth but its a neutral leaning -1 for me.
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Hey Grambam sorry for the late reply completely understandable on the thought of report and I to agree that I should start making more reports when necessary.Also completely understand your concern with the lengthy rep of bans,but I can assure to you that I have changed and am no longer the same person from when the bans were applied.Thanks for the verdict and I hope I change your mind to a +1

hey Cowboy I understand the way you feel about me and that there are time when I can lack immaturity but I can guarantee to you that under the role of administrator it will not affect me and how I administrate and help others on the server and I hope I can prove this you,and same with the bans I understand the way you feel long rep of bans becomes concerning but as I said to grambam I can assure to you that this will not affect any aspect of this application and that I have changed.and I hope I can prove you to that I am on the same level as other applicants and that you will change your mind on -1 to +1.
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Agreeing with cowboy for the most part though I will just be sitting at neutral. Good luck with the app.
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