[JB] jb_galaxy development thread (8 Viewers)


the Ice Obby explanation sign has been replaced by a simple arrow sign


DR finally has a launch star

a small overview platform floating above the cell area (i might lower it and change the way you get to it, since the lava kills you in other minigames; this is inconsistency at its finest and i want to have everything as consistent and logical as possible)
View attachment 32473
the Ice Obby explanation sign has been replaced by a simple arrow sign

View attachment 32474
DR finally has a launch star

View attachment 32475
a small overview platform floating above the cell area (i might lower it and change the way you get to it, since the lava kills you in other minigames; this is inconsistency at its finest and i want to have everything as consistent and logical as possible)
Obby looks 10x better. perfectly executed
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maybe you could make those islands rounder? unless this is the style you're going for

also the grey box building looks kinda out of place since everything else is round
forgot to reply to this. mb!

but. id love to! really, i do! unfortunately the Source Engine (essentially the "motor" the game runs on) has its limits.

for example, im very close to a limit called "max map planes", essentially meaning every "face" of a brush. a "face" can easily be compared to one single side of a cube.

if i add any more circle brushes, ill add more "faces", which means ill get closer to the before mentioned limit.

and the grey box is supposed to look out of place, because that's an important place for blues to restock and get ammo. that's intentional for the design of this planet. :)

Berke ported a model over and made it fully functional.
this little creature is called a Goombeetle and its cute LOOK AT IT
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Ah yes, a new way to massfreekill.
  • Haha
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goombeetles in action in the Ice Obby!

deathrun: lavaball trap

bc it's essentially its own planet, it has a small gravitational pull that will slowly pull anyone in that comes close

first iteration of a (bowser) boss fight!
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(dynamic) music prioritizing system!
add russian roulette, but dont make it favortism, only because I dont want some nerd emoji going "Erm this game is favortism and is banned, see ya on the forums"
add a russian roulette that warden and guards can change the odds of the bullet being a live
favorotism the game
add russian roulette, but dont make it favortism, only because I dont want some nerd emoji going "Erm this game is favortism and is banned, see ya on the forums"
i could add the nerd emoji into the actual game and have the game not function :D
anyways! here's new content!


end of Deathrun has been made! (+ a functioning teleport at the end with a door to keep REDs inside)

+ music prioritizing works finally! you have no idea how happy this makes me haha. i put so much effort into this, making sure it works correctly and its probably something that will get ignored due to no-one finding the secret like, ever. but its a nice thought for my ocd :)


update to Boss Fight


castle has a trivia now! (no i didnt copy&paste it directly from bunker wdym)

resized the launch triggers instead of the silly rectangles i had previously

so these launchstars act kinda weird.
when approached from "behind" (as in, you're moving in the direction that they will fire you in) it works perfectly fine
but when approached form "the front" (as in, you're moving in an opposite direction they will fire you in) it just... doesn't?

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